1.We get most of our carbohydrates from the GRAINS group. 2.FRUITS and VEGETABLES are also a good source of carbohydrates. 3.Almost all of our carbohydrates come from PLANT food sources. We also get carbs from SUGAR!
DID YOU KNOW? Sugar is a plant!
4) The main function of carbohydrates is to PROVIDE ENERGY. They provide FOUR calories per gram.
Carbohydrates are 1 of the 3 energy producing nutrients! ENERGY! Fats and Oils=9 Proteins =4 Carbs=4 REMEMBER!
5.If we eat more carbohydrates than our bodies need for energy, they get stored as FAT.
Sugars are SIMPLE. Starches are COMPLEX. The two types of carbohydrates are: a)SIMPLE b)COMPLEX
So, Simple or Complex? Classification is based on the chemical structure. Classification reflects how quickly sugar is digested and absorbed into the body.
Quick Energy Source Quick high Quick Low
Can you live without sugar? Soda/Punch Cookies/Cake Candy Chocolate Sugary Cereals Ice cream Desserts
Think about what you drink! How many pounds of sugar do you consume just from your soda or sports drinks? 1.Write down the number of 12 oz. drinks you would consume in a week. 2.Multiply that number by 9 tsp. of sugar per can or bottle…. _______ cans X 9 = ______tsp..sugar in a week. 3.Multiply your total number by 52 weeks in the year… _______ tsp. sugar per week X 52 = _______ tsp. per year. 4.Divide that number by 108 to find out how many pounds of sugar you drink in one year. _______ tsp. in a year ÷ 108 = _______lbs of sugar from soda in 1 year. Remember you eat many other foods that contain sugar! The average American eats about 125 lbs. of sugar a year!! That’s a lot of sugar!
So what if you drank 2 sodas a week? 2 cans X 9= 18 tsp per week 18 tsp/week X 52= 936 tsp/year 936 tsp/year / 108= 8.6 lbs/year
6. List the different types of sugars and their food sources:
What type of carbohydrate is milk and fruit?
How do you know if a food has added sugar? Check out the Food Label!! Check out the Food Label!! -It can be found under carbohydrates section -Also look at: List of ingredients… sugar, juice, molasses, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, malted corn sweetener, maltose, fructose, lactose, glucose, dextrose, etc. List of ingredients… sugar, juice, molasses, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, malted corn sweetener, maltose, fructose, lactose, glucose, dextrose, etc.
So what if there’s a little sugar?
Orange(270 g) Sugars: 23 g
Orange Juice: (16 oz) Sugars: 48 g
Complex Carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates supply longer lasting energy, as well as other nutrients and fiber that the body needs. They are a better choice.
Wheat Flour VS. Refined Is white bread considered a complex carbohydrate?
In Conclusion… SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES-SUGARSCOMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES-STARCHES GOOD Natural sugars found in: Fruits Dairy Whole Wheat bread Beans and other starchy vegetables Brown Rice BAD Sucrose Sugars Candy Cakes High Fructose Corn Syrup Anything with white refined flour: White Bread White Pasta White Rice Could something be simple and complex at the same time?
Quick Review: What sections are we getting carbs from? Do we ever get carbs from meat?