By: Justin and max I like Menominee! !!!!!!!!
Location North Wisconsin Southern Michigan The blue is where they live
food Wild rice Deer Sturgeon Squash Beans Berries Maple syrup nuts
clothing Breech cloth Moccasins Beads skirt. she is wearing … He is wearing Breech cloth Deer skin beads
housing Lodge Wigwams Huts They have sticks, straw, and cloth, deer skin, beads
In 1812 there was a war Menominee VS. Great breatin. Many lives where lost
Mecawetok sprit The story Deceived blind men They believe in…
bibliography Recite, Edward R. Menominee. Vero Beach, Flab: Rourkela Publications, Print. Sara. First Americans the Menominee. New York, Print Web.
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