Salient Features of NDMA Guidelines Medical Preparedness & Mass Casualty Management Surgeon Rear Admiral VK Singh VSM (Retd.) Director, IIHMR, New Delhi
Mass Casualty Incident Any event resulting in number of victims large enough to disrupt the normal course of emergency and health care services is called as a mass casuality event (WHO)
Assessing the Risk MIC Gas Leak in Bhopal- accounts for more than casualties till date. Equally important are the ‘peripheral emergencies’ which results in mass casualty events resulting in 10s to 100s of casualties. A comparison of the deaths occurred due to natural disasters in 2001, 2002 and 2003 i.e., 36,651; 16,723; and 14,954 respectively to that of man-made causes is 2,71,019; 2,57,936 and 2,59,625 respectively
Key issues in Managing Mass Causality Gaps in Health Facilities Golden Hour/Platinum Minutes Triage Basic Life Support Advance Life Support Trauma Centers and Burn Centers Transportation Training of Medical Personnel Education of community Dissemination of Information
Key issues in Managing Mass Causality Decontamination Establishment of National and Regional poison Centre Containerized Mobile Hospitals Blood Bank Facilities Identification of Dead Medical Disaster plans for Districts Development of Incident Command System Minimum Standard for Food, Water and Shelter Environmental Sanitation Mock drills
Milestones for Implementation of Guidelines Phase I ( 0 to 3 years) Phase II ( 0 to 5 years) Phase III ( 0 to 8 years)