Self assessment R. Steven Lang ASM Physical Arrangements Your totem goes here, you may use a build if you desire N
2 Learning Objectives Upon completion of this presentation you will: Understand the importance of self-assessment in maximizing your leadership potential View self-assessment as a valuable avenue for receiving feedback Understand how to build your own tools for the self-assessment of your roles in Scouting and in other leadership situations
N What Assessment So Far? Daily patrol assessment Troop meeting assessment at PLC Start, Stop, Continue Informal assessments “How are we doing?” “How are you feeling?”
N Why Assess? To set a course to get where we want to go, we have to know where we are
N Self-Assessment How do we assess ourselves? Always monitoring our progress Measure against others Measure against standards Measure against goals and mission Are there limitations in assessing ourselves?
N Limitations of Assessing Self Limited by: Our own perspective Our history and background Seeing “what we want” instead of “what is” How do we overcome these limitations?
N Feedback Good leaders use feedback to learn where they are so they can more effectively move forward Tips for Giving and Receiving feedback in “Listening to Learn”
N Giving/Receiving Feedback Tips Giving Feedback Be helpful- (Motive) Listen for openness Deal with changeable Be specific Describe; not evaluate Give impact Accept responsibility for perceptions and emotions Check understanding Care! Receiving Feedback Seek feedback Listen carefully Listen actively Listen empathically Monitor your feelings Feedback is a gift!
N Feedback How do we encourage effective feedback?
360-Degree Assessment Is a tool for soliciting feedback Feedback comes from all directions Leaders Peers Participants (Scouts) These people are you stakeholders N
N Degree Assessment Your stakeholders are those who see you in action and have an interest in your success Each has a different perspective Each can assess your performance
N ° Assessment Steps Determine goals to be assessed Find a facilitator Develop an assessment survey Identify representative stakeholders (5- 10) Facilitator compiles and shares results Make assessments ongoing
N Developing Assessment Survey Clear instructions to stakeholders Questions based on your goals Feedback from what observed and can be measured Simple answers “Way to Go”, “Way to Grow” Start, Stop, Continue Green, Red, Yellow Comments and suggestions encouraged
N Assessments Are Tools for Change Leads to positive change Helps others see importance of assessment Helps you value giving & getting feedback Good 360° assessments help people discover differences between how they perceive themselves and how others perceive them.
N Summary Need to know where you are to get where you are going Assessing yourself has limitations Feedback is a gift Your stakeholders have different perspectives from you and each other Use 360° assessment as an ongoing tool for change to get feedback from stakeholders
N Learning Objectives Review Upon completion of this presentation you will: Understand the importance of self-assessment in maximizing your leadership potential View self-assessment as a valuable avenue for receiving feedback Understand how to build your own tools for the self-assessment of your roles in Scouting and in other leadership situations
N TOOL “360 Degree Assessment”
N Toolbox leadership
N Thank You! Your totem goes here, you may use a build if you desire
N Change control log DateVersionChangesBy Jan. 14, templateFred M. Stringer May 25, templateR. Steven Lang