1 Dr. Shovita Padhi, MHO March 10, 2016 Mental Health and Social Connectedness Breakout Session
2 2 Background 1 in 5 Canadians will be diagnosed with a mental disorder at some point in their lives The number living with mental ill-health is likely more, as up to 50% of people with symptoms have not brought it up with their doctor (Canadian Mental Health Association)
3 3 Determinants of Mental Health
4 4 Poverty Mental Ill-health
6 6 Social Connectedness Social connectedness is defined by frequency of contact with others, personal relationships, and engagement in the community (Plan H) People with extensive and strong support networks tend to have: better physical health through lower rates of unhealthy behaviours a lower prevalence of mental illnesses more job opportunities (Plan H) Social isolation can lead to depressive symptoms, poor mental health and cognition, addictions, suicidal ideation (WHO)
12 Take Home Points Communities play a HUGE role in promoting the mental health and wellbeing of its citizens There are lots of things that can be done and most communities are already doing it (sometimes without realizing it!) Share what you are doing and gain inspiration from others