Membership Boot Camp Presented by Beth Chitnis, Meeting Expectations, and Judi Holler, St. Louis CVC
Meet The Team! Judi Holler St. Louis CVC Owner Holla! Productions MPI Chicago Area Chapter President-Elect Beth Chitnis, CAE Meeting Expectations Association Director
Meet The MPI Team! Stuart Taylor Chapter Business Manger MPI Global Timothy Gunn Manager of Member Engagement MPI Global Judy Webster Chapter Business Manager MPI Global
Membership Boot Camp Objective To understand your membership data and how to use that information to develop an overall Membership Business Plan.
Membership Boot Camp Overview Telling the Membership Story through Data MPI Global and Chapter Support Round Table Sessions: –Membership Retention & Engagement –Membership Recruitment –Using Brainstorming Sessions for Idea Generation Summary and Q&A
Chicago Chapter: Our Story
To Get You Thinking A typical bathtub will hold 40 gallons of water. Water flows into the bathtub at a rate of 7 gallons per minute. 20% of the total quantity drains every minute. If you start with the bathtub filled half way, at what level will the water reach an equilibrium? 35 Gallons
What did this mean to our chapter? If we didn’t make a change… our chapter WILL hit our Steady State!!!
Wait … what is “Steady State”? The Steady State Analysis Formula Steady State projects the long term equilibrium of a membership based on current new member input and retention rate. Steady State: 933 Actual Membership: 1129 Steady State Formula = Annual New Member Input Reciprocal of Retention Rate 2011 = 263 ( )
Further Review ….
Enter the Membership Matrix ….
Step One: Our First Ever Membership Brainstorming!
Step Two: We Built Our Tribe!
Action Steps for New Tribe … 1) Work with Marketing to develop a Brand Statement. Clearly be able to define our “why”? 4) Engage the new members through a Buddy program. 2) Develop a Membership Business Plan to organize and consolidate our messaging. 5) Implement Customer Service calls made by the board of directors. 6) Start sharing the MPI Data with the Board to create a greater awareness and make the data part of our culture. 7) Don’t reinvent the process every year. Work the program, do it well. 8) Continue to create additional plans for managing the next priority. 3) Create a Membership Renewal Marketing from the Chapter 60 days prior to expiration.
Three Years Later…
Current Membership Marketing Matrix
So what does this mean for us now? YearActual Membership Steady State Analysis Projected Percent Change % % % % Steady State Improved
So what does this mean for us now? YearAvg. Retention Rate % % % % Retention Rate Increased
So what does this mean for us now? New Member Cancellations Year Joined Total New Members 1 st Year Member Cancellations 1 st Year Cancellation Percentage % % %
What is YOUR Steady State?
MPI Global Member Engagement Team Supporting our chapters and membership teams Presented by Timothy Gunn, Manager of Member Engagement 09/18/14
The Global Member Engagement Team Marlene Jackson Mark Killgore Kristie Estrada Connie Kizziar
The Global Member Engagement Team
How we support our members and YOU.
Supporting You and Members All Year Long
Process all membership dues Handle membership installment plans Invite member to a brief orientation Help member access website
Supporting You and Members All Year Long Touch base with member at least 4 times a year (3, 6, 9, 12 months). Coach members to achieve their desired results. Send renewal survey
Supporting You and Members All Year Long Kick off the renewal process Send paper and e- invoices Assist with Transfer of Membership Help you understand Membership Reports Share monthly renewal incentives
Supporting You and Members All Year Long Help YOU RECRUIT members (application fee waiver) RETAIN members (Member Connect Program) Critique your recruitment website Verify accuracy of recruitment brochure text Provide you updates on campaigns from Global “Refer A Friend, Grow More- Earn More”
The Global Member Engagement Team “ A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is a part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.” Mahatma Gandhi
Break it out and break it down … Retention & Engagement – Beth and Tim Recruitment – Stuart and Judy Brainstorming – Judi
Next Steps Use the Membership Marketing Matrix to identify the areas of opportunities and set your priorities. Analyze your Membership Data to understand the trends in your chapter. Develop a Membership Business Plan using the tools provided today. Attend the “Workin’ It” session tomorrow for a hands-on approach to building your Membership Business Plan.