1 Lecture 06 EEE 441: Wireless And Mobile Communications BRAC University
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4 Queueing (or Trunking) Each user placed in queue for free channel upon trying to initiate a call Each call then assigned a channel by base station or MSC (depending upon if channel assignment is fixed or dynamic) Potential problems: Probability of call blocking Probability of remaining in queue for more than certain amount of time Solutions: Formulas proposed by Erlang based upon call arrival rate and distribution, serving rate, buffer size
5 Queueing Theory Usually described by A / B / S A = Distribution of inter-arrival times B = Distribution of serving times S = Number of servers Common queue types studied in literature M/M/m, M/G/m, M/M/1, M/G/1 M = memoryless (i.e. independent) G = general m = number
6 Grade/Quality of Service (GoS/QoS) How can a large number of users be accommodated by a limited number of channels? Bottleneck occurs during busiest times day, month, year… What is the Probability of a call being blocked? First kind of system: no queue maintained What is the Probability of being in a queue > t seconds? Second kind of system: queue maintained
7 The Erlang Unit of traffic intensity 1 Erlang = a completely occupied channel Let: - Average number of call requests per unit time H - duration of a call Then traffic intensity of each user (in Erlangs) is: A = ?
8 The Erlang and Single User Intensity Erlang: unit of traffic intensity 1 Erlang = a completely occupied channel Let: - Average number of call requests per unit time H - duration of a call Then traffic intensity of each user (in Erlangs) is: A u = H
9 Total Traffic Intensity If system has U total users, then total traffic intensity is: A = ? If this total traffic intensity is equally divided among C channels in the system, then average intensity per channel is: A c = ?
10 Total Traffic Intensity If system has U total users, then total traffic intensity is: A = U A u = U H (in Erlangs) If this total traffic intensity is equally divided among C channels in the system, then average intensity per channel is: A c = A / C = U A u / C
11 Type 1: Blocked Call Cleared System No queuing for call requests If no channels are available, then requesting user is blocked and must try again later
12 GoS or QoS: Defined by the Blocking Probability GoS = Probability (call is blocked) Given by Erlang B formula
13 Type 2: Blocked Calls Delayed System Queue is provided to hold calls If a channel is not available immediately, the call request may be delayed System works as long as queueing delay is small
14 GoS or QoS: Defined by Probability of Being Placed in Queue Given by Erlang C formula
15 Probability of Delay Exceeding a Threshold Avg delay D for all calls in a queued system is: D = H/(C-A). Pr[Delay>0]
16 Example A hexagonal cell in a 4-cell system has a radius of 1.387km, and a total of 60 channels are used within the entire system. If the load / user is Erlangs, = 1 call per hour, compute the following for an Erlang C system that has a 5% probability of a delayed call. a. How many users per square km will the system support? b. What is the Prob [ Delay > 10s ]?
17 Solution Cell radius, R = km Area covered per cell = (1.387) 2 = 5 sq km Number of cells per cluster, N = 4 Total number of channels per cell = 60 / 4 = 15
18 Solution (cont’d) a. From Erlang C chart, GOS = 0.05, C = 15, => Traffic intensity per cell, A = 9.0 Erlangs Hence Number of users in each cell = total traffic intensity / traffic per user = 9.0 / = 310 users Hence Number of users per sq. km = 310 / 5 = 62 users per sq. km.
19 Solution (cont’d) b. Prob [Delay > 10s] = Pr [Delay > 0 ] e –(C-A) t / H = 0.05 x e –(15-9) 10 / H whereH = A / = 0.029/1 hour = x 60 x 60 seconds = seconds Thus Prob [Delay > 10s] = 0.05 e –(15-9) 10 / = = 2.81%
20 Shannon’s Theorem The fundamental result in communication / information theory C = B log 2 (1+S/N) C is capacity in bits/s, B is bandwidth in Hertz, SNR is Signal Power (in Watts) over Noise Power (in Watts)
21 Shannon’s Theorem: Interpretations Means that: There exists an upper bound on the maximum amount of data (information) that can be transmitted within a specified bandwidth in the presence of the noise, with arbitrarily small error It is possible to design a coding scheme at Tx rate R < C, such that Tx occurs with arbitrarily small P e Contrarily if R > C is sought, then the error will increase without bound, and no useful information will be transmitted
22 Notices Read: Rappaport, Ch. 3.6 Special Attn: Examples HW HW3 assigned