Welcome, Students! Ms. Gallier Algebra 1 with Lab Room: M-3
Learn About Our Class The teacher Supplies Policies Getting help Questions? Raise your hand, please.
I grew up in Nederland I attended: Helena Park Elementary C.O. Wilson Middle School Volleyball, Basketball, Track NJHS Nederland High School Volleyball, Basketball, NHS, SHS, TNT, UIL Get to Know Me
Teaching Experience I taught at C.O. Wilson Middle School. 8 th Grade Math/ STAAR Math UIL Calculator Sponsor Nominee for Teacher of the Year
My Family Phoebe Isis Penelope Peanut
Hobbies/Interests Going to the Movies/Festivals Watching Sports Music Running Traveling
Communication My School phone: My Conference: Black Days (1 st Period) Gold Days (2 nd Period) Class web site: Ms-Gallier Ms-Gallier
Supplies 1 or 1 ½ “ Binder 5 dividers Homework, Notes, Quizzes, Graded Work, and Math Resources Notebook Paper (wide or college ruled) #2 pencils/Erasers (Lead for Mechanical Pencils) Red Grading Pen 1 box of AAA batteries (quantity of 4 )
Math Binder Throughout the year, the student will be required to keep up with a binder. The binder will keep all notes, graded daily work, your syllabus, and the letter discussing everything in this PowerPoint.
Grading Policy 15%---Daily Work/Homework 25%---Quizzes 60%---Tests
ASSIGNMENTS Students will receive an assignment every class day, except on test days. Each assignment is to be done in pencil and is due at the beginning of the next class day. Any assignment not completed in class is considered homework.
Homework Student is to do assignments in pencil and use red pen to grade Work is to be done in neat/orderly manner Assignments will have proper heading in upper right corner of paper. All work must be shown in order to receive credit. NO WORK= NO CREDIT.
Quizzes/Tests Generally quizzes will be given after 2 or three sections are covered. Notes will be graded after each unit and will count as a quiz grade. Two unit tests will be given each 6-weeks. The highest unit test grade will count twice, except during the 3 rd and 6 th six-weeks when midterm and final exams will be given.
Retesting The 6-weeks test will count as a test grade as well as a retest for each unit test. The 6-weeks test will be divided into 2 parts, one part for each unit taught during the 6-weeks. Each part will be graded separately as a retest grade. Each unit test grade will be replaced up to a 70, based upon the score received on each part of the 6-weeks test. **All students are given an assignment sheet/syllabus on which to record their grades. They can determine their average at any time using the following formula:.15(HMWK AVG) +.25(QUIZ AVG) +.60(TEST AVG)
Calculators TI-84 Plus graphing calculators will be provided for student use during class. Students will be assigned a calculator and will be held responsible for any misuse or destruction of the calculator. REPLACEMENT COST FOR CALCULATORS ISSUED TO STUDENTS IS $100.
BYOD Students will be allowed to bring electronic devices and cell phones into my classroom; however, the devices will be stored at the back of the classroom. The use of the device will be under the discretion of the teacher. If a student is caught with a device in his possession during a quiz or test, the student will receive a 0 on the assessment and may be subject to additional consequences such as an office referral or a $15 fine by NISD.
Make-Up Work Any homework and quiz missed due to an excused absence is due within 2 class days. If a student is absent on the day of a test, the student will have 5 school days to make up the test. Quizzes and tests may be made up in the morning at 7:45 or after school at 3:25.
Classroom Procedures When you enter the classroom, I expect you to go straight to your desk to get ready for class with the proper materials. You are considered tardy if you are not in your desk once the tardy bell rings. Pencils need to be sharpened before we begin the lesson. Restroom breaks ARE NOT allowed during the first, nor last, 10 minutes of class.
Discipline Policy In my class, I expect you to treat others and myself just like you want your classmates and me to treat you. If you disregard warnings of unacceptable behavior, then I will follow the Nederland High School policy as outlined in the handbook.
Tutoring Help is available every morning from 7:45 until 8:10 am and after school every Monday through Friday until 4:00. Additional tutoring time can be arranged if needed.
Let’s Have a Great Year!