SUCCESSFUL ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING INVENTORY (SELL-In) GGGE6533: Language Learning Strategies By: Siti Nurfatihah Zakaria P69258
Listening Skill
The min of listening skill used by successful English learners. -Seven out of ten respondents ask for clarification if they did not understand what had been said for the first time. -Two of them listen to the key words that seem to carry the bulk of the mining. -The min score for asking clarification is the highest, 4.5 meanwhile the lowest min score is obtained from listening to the language used in restaurant or store, 3.0.
The min of reading skill used by successful English learners. -Six out of ten respondents read a story or dialogue several times until they understand it. -One of them make predictions as to what will happen next. -The min score for reading a few times until they understand the text is the highest, 4.5 meanwhile the lowest min score is obtained from making prediction, 3.0.
The min of writing skill used by successful English learners. -Six out of ten respondents review what they have already written before continuing to write more. -One of them practice writing the alphabet and new words in the target language. -The min score for reviewing is the highest, 4.5 meanwhile the lowest min score, 3.6, is obtained from practicing writing the alphabets and new words.
The min of speaking skill used by successful English learners. -Seven out of ten respondents practice saying new words to themselves which hold the min score of One of them initiate conversations in the target language as often as possible. -The min score for encouraging people to corrects errors in their speaking is the lowest which is only 3.4.
The min of vocabulary skill used by successful English learners. -Six out of ten look at meaningful parts of the word like the prefix or the suffix, to remind them the meaning of the word. -None of them use flash card in a systematic way to learn new words. -The highest min score obtained is 4.0 which come from looking at the meaningful parts of the words and go over new words often when they first learn them to help memorizing. On the other side, the lowest min score, 2.5, is obtained from using flash cards systematically.
Discussion Listening – Most of them prefer to ask clarification to be able to listen to what had been said. The second strategies that most of them use is pay special attention to specific aspects of the language; for example, the way the speaker pronounces certain sounds.
Reading – most of them prefer to read a story or dialogue several times before they could really understand the text. The second reading strategies that they had been practicing is guessing the approximate meaning by using clues from the context of the reading material as well as planning out in advance how they are going to read the text, monitor to see how they are doing, and then check to see how much they can understand. Discussion
Writing – most of them prefer to review what they have already written before continuing to write more. This is perhaps the time for them to check on the grammar, and sentence structures. The second writing strategy that they prefer is planning out in advance how to write, monitor how their writing is going, and check to see how well their writing reflects what they want to say. Discussion
Speaking – most of them used to practice saying new expression to themselves. They also tend to ask help from their conversational partner as one of the strategies to help them learn the language and improve their speaking skill. Not only that, they also practicing new grammatical structures in different situations to build their confidence level in using them. Discussion
Vocabulary – most of them go over new words often when they first learn the words in order to help them memorize it. They also choose to look at the meaningful parts of the words to remind them the meaning of the word. However, it is obvious that none of them use flash cards systematically as means to enhance their vocabulary. Discussion
Pedagogical Implication Listening – Teacher should be patient and try to help them by repeating the instructions in class for a few times, just to give them some time to get the meaning. – Teacher develops questioning skills among the students so that they will be able to ask the right question in order to seek for clarification.
Reading – Teacher provide them with some vocabulary items which can help them understand the text better. – Teacher help them by asking them to read it aloud to themselves. Giving a reading text intonation somehow can make the students more aware of the meaning of certain words. At the same time, they can easily grasp the meaning of the text read.
Writing – Teacher gives some time for them to review their writing before submission. – Teacher asks them to make peer review where they can help each other with their writing.
Speaking – Teacher give them some time on their own to practice saying new expression or new words. – Teacher assists them with their pronunciation as well as their intonation. – Teacher involves them in group discussion, enrolling them into public speaking session in the morning assembly or perhaps engage them with a lot of discussion in class.
Vocabulary – Teacher prepares the students with the best basic knowledge about word formation so that they will know the meaning of words better. – Teacher tries to help students to widen their vocabulary through songs and music.
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