Unit 20 Spelling Affixes = Prefixes
Prefix One: “a-” Definition: on or onto He set the paper afire.The boats went ashore.
Prefix Two: “fore” Definition: before
Prefix Three: “mid-” Definition: in the middle of He stopped his sentence midstream. OR
Prefix Four: “on-” Definition: continuing
Prefix Five: “out-” Definition: going or passing beyond the boundaries The batter tried to outrun the throw that soared in from the outfield.
Prefix Six: “over-” Definition: to go further or beyond something
Prefix Seven: “under-” Definition: below in position or against
Prefix Eight: “with-” Definition: back away or against
Bonus Words
Don’t forget: Your homework is due Wednesday of this week, but you may turn it in early if you wish. The test for this unit will be given on Friday of this week at the beginning of the period. Remember to bring your paper and a pencil! Study for the test. If you need help, please ask.