Overview on Psychoactive Drugs AP Psychology Unit 5
Tolerance & Addiction Substance Use Disorder: continued craving and use of a substance regardless of life disruption or danger. And addiction is a compulsive craving of drugs or behaviors. Psychoactive Drugs-> Alter moods and perceptions Develop tolerance over time-> When an addictive drug or behavior is discontinued, experience withdrawal-> Worldwide #’s-> 90 million suffer from drug and alcohol related problems
Depressants Review Reduce neural activity and slow body functions Alcohol Feelings of invincibility, lower inhibitions dangerous when getting behind wheel Memory disruption-> Barbiturates Tranquilizers-> Some prescribed for inducing sleep or slowing anxiety Combined with alcohol can be deadly Opiates Heroin-> Quick craving for another fix, difficult withdrawal Stop producing own endorphins, may overdose due to pain without it Narcotics like…
Stimulants Review Excite neural activity causing speeding up of body functions Nicotine One of the most addictive stimulants Found in tobacco Cocaine Used to be in Coca Cola-> Snorted or injected Rush of euphoria and alertness-> depletes brain supply of dopamine and serotonin Smoked in form of “crack”-> Methamphetamine Related to amphetamine, triggers release of dopamine Aftereffects: insomnia, violet outbursts, depression Ecstasy Street name for MDMA-> Prolongs serotonin’s feel-good flood. High energy follows….
Hallucinogens Review Psychedelic drugs-> distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input LSD Trips vary from sense of euphoria to detachment to panic Sometimes feel separated from their body. Similar to near-death experiences- altered state of consciousness after being revived from cardiac arrest. Both tied to lack of oxygen in brain. Lights flashing, replay of old memories, out of body Marijuana THC-> Great risk for… Triggers mild hallucinations, relaxes you, sense of euphoria