ACTRAV _ SJD 3 ILO FOUR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES EMPLOYMENT SOCIAL PROTECTION (SOCIAL SECURITY AND LABOR PROTECTION) SOCIAL DIALOGUE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES AND RIGHTS AT WORK UNIVERSALITY: Governments, Employers and Workers committed that the objectives should be promoted by all INTERDEPENDENCE: the objectives are defined as “inseparable, interrelated and mutually supportive”
ACTRAV _ SJD 4 Policy view: Visionary in anticipating the crisis (“global economic integration has caused many countries and sectors to face major challenges of income inequality, continuing high levels of unemployment and poverty, vulnerability of economies to external shocks and the growth of both unprotected work and the informal economy, which impact on the employment relationship” Preamble
ACTRAV _ SJD 5 Visionary in the way forward: in a world of growing interdependence and complexity and the internationalization of production we need to recognize the fundamental values of freedom, human dignity, social justice, security and non discrimination, social dialogue and tripartism within and across borders, importance of the employment relationship, sustainable enterprises with a strong social economy and a viable public sector, role of the MNEs Declaration given the growing role of the TNCs.
ACTRAV _ SJD 6 International Labour Standards are the normative expression of the strategic objectives and a key means to achieve them. In particular the SJD recognizes that the fundamental principles and rights at work (Freedom of Association and right to Collective Bargaining, non discrimination and Equality, against Forced Labour and Child Labour) are both rights and enabling conditions for the full realization of all the strategic objectives, noting:
ACTRAV _ SJD 7 FoA and “the effective recognition of the right to” CB are particularly important to enable the attainment of the 4 strategic objectives The violation of fundamental principles and rights at work cannot be invoked or otherwise used as a legitimate comparative advantage and labour standards should not be used for protectionist trade purposes.
ACTRAV _ SJD 9 International Labour Office implementation: use human and financial resources, the unique advantage of tripartism and its standard system to: Help governments and employers’ and workers’ organizations to adopt meaningful and coherent social policy and sustainable development; Promote strategic objectives jointly within the framework of bilateral or multilateral agreements Develop new partnerships with multinational enterprises and trade unions operating at global level
ACTRAV _ SJD 10 ILO needs to invite international and regional organizations to promote decent work. As trade and financial market policy both affect employment, it is the ILO’s role to evaluate those effect in order to put employment at the heart of economic policies. Promotional campaign of the governance Conventions (besides Core Labour Standards): Labour Inspection (C. 81 and 129). Employment policy (C. 122) Tripartite Consultation (C. 144).