Felicia Adamczyk, Gopi Patel, Jose Mejia, Jatinder Singh, Neil Shah
We interviewed 40 students and collected data to determine whether student’s age and gender would make a difference in their GPA. The GPAs are higher for students working fewer hours during the week than for students working more hours during the week. GPAs of college of business students are different from the GPA of students in other schools at the University Of Michigan-Dearborn.
We interviewed 40 students from the campus. 55% of them were males and 45% females. 25% of them were below the age 21, 43% were between and the remaining were 23% above 25. 5% of surveyed were freshmen, 10% were Sophomore, 50% were junior and the remaining 35% were seniors. 30% of surveyed students worked 10 hours or less and the other 70% worked 10 hours or more.
The average GPA was 3.23 The standard deviation was 0.32 The median was 3.25
College of Business GPA ◦ H 0 : µ 1 =µ 2 ◦ H a : µ 1 ≠µ 2 F-test for variances Use pooled variance Hours Worked During the Week ◦ H 0 : µ 1 =µ 2 ◦ H a : µ 1 ≠µ 2 F-test for variances Use pooled variance
College of Business GPA T-test assuming equal variances Hours Worked During the Week T-test assuming equal variances
Age:For every year you are older, you have a better chance of your GPA being higher by Work hours: For every additional hour you work, your GPA decreases by Sex: Being male means that your GPA will most likely be lower by Upper Classman: If you are an upper classman your GPA will most likely be lower by Schools: If you are a COB student, then chances are your GPA is higher by 0.065, than other UMD students who are not COB students.