Design Autobiography 20 Artifacts Amy Langford
Picture Frame of Family and Friends This artifact shows the importance of my family and friends. The people in my life have a huge impact on the person I have become and bring me joy.
Bible This book stands for the beliefs that shape my entire life and thoughts.
Suitcase This represents my passion for traveling and seeing new places. I love traveling in every sense, whether abroad or just through the state of Kentucky.
Kentucky Map I was born and raised in Kentucky and I’m attending the University of Kentucky. A map of the commonwealth shows the love and pride I have for Kentucky.
Kitchen Table I spent many hours at my kitchen table at home, whether at a meal, doing homework, or talking to my parents. This represents the closeness of my family and my fondness of being at home with them.
Country Road I grew up in a small town on a farm in an extremely rural area.
iPhone I love to stay connected to people through texting, calling, or social media. I’m basically addicted to my phone – like everyone else.
UK William T. Young Library This University is a huge stepping stone in my life. It is where I will receive my education, live for 4 years, and where I will meet many life long friends. The Willy T Library represents the University as a whole.
Tennis Shoes I love running, hiking, and being active. Running shoes also represent my 6 years of track and field.
Journal I really enjoy journaling and I like to write out my thoughts.
Fork I love food. Trying new food. Eating food. Meeting people for lunch. Cooking. Everything about it.
Planner I like to plan ahead and organize things. My planner is basically my best friend.
Books I enjoy reading almost anything. A few genres that I really like include biographies, novels, and Christian books. One of my favorites is called, Kisses from Katie, about a young missionary woman in Uganda.
Sheet Music This represents my love for music. I enjoy singing, playing the piano, guitar, and alto saxophone.
Fresh Flowers I absolutely love fresh flowers. I enjoy nature and being outdoors as well.
Sundress A sundress represents the clothes I like to wear and the things I like to do during my favorite season – summer.
Heath Bar Cake I have a major sweet tooth. One of my favorite desserts is heath bar cake!
Hammock I love having time to relax and feel rested. A perfect place to do that is in an eno.
Inception: the movie I enjoy watching movies and Netflix. I don’t have a favorite movie but one that I really enjoy is Inception.
Clouds I am a dreamer and I have extremely high aspirations for myself. Cloud represent my lofty goals.
SpaceNature Many of the objects that represent me are a place or space. I think this shows my appreciation of buildings or areas that hold significance in my life. The country road, tennis shoes, flowers, eno, and Kentucky map all tie into nature. This shows my appreciation of nature and love of the outdoors.
People Likes/Dislikes The picture frames, iPhone, kitchen table, and library all connect to the people and relationships that I care about. The planner, movie, books, cake, sundress, flowers, tennis shoes, fork, and suitcase all show hobbies and things that I enjoy.
Overall Themes Space Nature People and Relationships Personality Traits Hobbies This design autobiography shows my deep roots, personal beliefs, and passions.
DES 100 Course Ties Representing culture: The nature of these artifacts gives clues to the culture I am part of and come from without explicitly stating it. Design Process: The majority of the objects I chose were designed and underwent a design process Design and Consumerism: The artifacts show what type of consumer I am. The products that I incorporated into my autobiography are available because of the demand by consumers like me.
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