Engaging Your Multigenerational School VA Elementary School Principals Shira Harrington Founder & President, Purposeful Hire
Kids These Days! “Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food and tyrannize their teachers.” Socrates ( B.C.) “Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food and tyrannize their teachers.” Socrates ( B.C.)
Disclaimers About the Generations Generational diversity vs. age diversity People are individuals Use to archetype, not to stereotype!
What Shaped the Traditionalists? Traditionalist
Hard work Sacrifice Respect for authority Following the rules Frugality Military focus God and country Traditionalist Values
What Shaped the Baby Boomers? Baby Boomer
Bucked the system then… Learned to respect authority Live to work Pay your dues Face time Career-focused Competitive Long-tenured jobs Women in leadership Diversity / Civil rights Baby Boomer Values
Baby Boomers Today Sandwiched generation Facing financial crisis Can’t retire or don’t want to Long life expectancy
What Shaped Generation X? Generation X
Independence Self-reliance Cynicism Questions authority Entrepreneurism Work to live Work-life balance Generation X Values
What Shaped the Millennials? Millennial 1981 – 2000
High expectations / Self-esteem Strong parental influence Global diversity Saving the environment Tech-focused Team oriented Work-life integration Multi-tasking Rapid career advancement Frequent feedback Question everything Personal branding Millennial Values
Millennials Today Facing massive college debt 61% of recent grads unemployed or underemployed “Recessionistas”—tight budget but trendy Want to innovate but fear failing Afraid of commitment Unlimited opportunities--seeking adventures Want to change the world Hyper connected to global network
What is Shaping Generation Z? Generation Z Born after 2000
Generation Z Characteristics Most technologically advanced generation More connected to the world If curious about a subject, will research it online More tolerant of cultural differences Able to multitask Limited attention span (“acquired attention deficit disorder”) Expect instant results and constant feedback Too much value on opinion and not enough on facts Spend most of time indoors Entrepreneurial and aggressive
Generational Values
Respect for Authority
Need for Feedback
“Paying Dues”
Work-life Balance
Comfort with Technology It’s cool! Under 35 It’s just a tool. Over 35
Process Improvement
Tackling Multigenerational Challenges in Elementary Schools
Question #1 How can principals better engage Millennial teachers appealing to their need for a collaborative instructional style?
Question #2 How can principals instruct teachers to better adjust to the communication style of today’s students?
Question #3 What should be the appropriate role of texting between teachers / parents / students?
Question #4 To what extent should Millennial teachers have to “pay their dues” before becoming administrators? What should be the role of mentorship?
Question #5 How can schools better engage their Millennial teachers to mitigate high turnover?
Question #6 How can urban schools do a better job of branding so that they retain the brightest Millennial talent?
Question #7 How can principals better engage parents who are under-involved OR over-involved?
Question #8 How can principals reignite the passion of older teachers who are hanging on for the financial security?
Questions? Shira Harrington Founder & President Purposeful Hire, Inc