The Epic Learning the Conventions
You Already Know Some Epics
What is an Epic? Traditionally, an Epic is: Traditionally, an Epic is: When we say a long narrative though we are not saying long like “The Raven”. When we say a long narrative though we are not saying long like “The Raven”.
The Epic Conventions An Epic is beyond just a long poem. An Epic is beyond just a long poem. The epic has several conventions. The epic has several conventions. If you look all throughout history, literature, and movies you will see that the Epic conventions are used time and again. If you look all throughout history, literature, and movies you will see that the Epic conventions are used time and again. The epic does not necessarily need to contain all of the conventions The epic does not necessarily need to contain all of the conventions
Convention 1: The Epic Hero Birth – Birth – Leaves – Leaves – Quest – Quest – Weapon – Weapon – Help – Help –
Convention 1: The Epic Hero continued The Journey— The Journey— The hero must The hero must Hero experiences Hero experiences When the hero dies, When the hero dies,
The Hero Must... Demonstrate traits such as Demonstrate traits such as The traits are The traits are The traits demonstrated are The traits demonstrated are
Practice Keep your notes out. Keep your notes out. Let’s view clips from Star Wars: A New Hope as well as Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and identify characteristics of the epic hero. Let’s view clips from Star Wars: A New Hope as well as Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and identify characteristics of the epic hero. Use the next 2 slides as space for note- taking as you watch. Use the next 2 slides as space for note- taking as you watch.
The Epic Hero – Star Wars: A New Hope
The Epic Hero – Harry Poter and the Chamber of Secrets
Conventions 2 & 3 Convention 2: In Media res— Convention 2: In Media res— Invocation of the Muse— Invocation of the Muse—
Conventions 4 & 5 Convention 4: Epithets— Convention 4: Epithets— Convention 5: Epic Similes— Convention 5: Epic Similes—
Conventions 6 & 7 Convention 6: Monologues— Convention 6: Monologues— Convention 7: Supernatural Intervention— Convention 7: Supernatural Intervention—
Conventions 8 & 9 Convention 8: Arming of the Hero— Convention 8: Arming of the Hero— Convention 9: Journey to the Underworld—this can be literal or symbolic. Convention 9: Journey to the Underworld—this can be literal or symbolic.
Conventions 2-9: Practice We will view a clip from the movie Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Use the following slide to take notes on how conventions 2-9. You won’t see all of them, but you should see some.
Epic Conventions – Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Conflict At the center of every epic there must be conflict At the center of every epic there must be conflict The conflict arises throughout the story The conflict arises throughout the story The conflicts are necessary so the valued traits of the hero can be put on display The conflicts are necessary so the valued traits of the hero can be put on display Epics include Epics include Man vs. Man Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Nature Man vs. Self Man vs. Self