Vocabulary G Unit Eight
Saturate (v.) Be sure to allow the cleaning solution to saturate the stain before blotting. To soak thoroughly, fill to capacity; to satisfy fully
Arrant Through going, out-and-out; shameless, blatant. The little girl was arrant about her outfit; she thought she looked great.
Irrefutable (adj.) impossible to disprove; beyond argument. Many court cases are never solved because of the irrefutable evidence that is provided for the criminal’s defense.
Allege (v.) to assert without proof or confirmation The nominee, in hope of winning, alleged the claim that he would get a new Slushy Machine in the cafeteria, despite what others with more power had told him.
Countermand To cancel or reverse one order or command with another that is contrary to the first The day manager was in a rush to prepare the food because all her directions were countermanded the night before by the night manager at the deli.
Echelon One of a series of grades in an organization or field of activity; an organized military unit; a step like formation or arrangement. Jeremy was awarded with a pin of recognition and is considered now in a higher echelon of his branch.
Badinage (n.) Light and playful conversation Sara would typically start some sort of badinage with Robby whenever she got the chance since she had an undeniable crush on him.
Conciliate (v.) To overcome the distrust of, win over; to appease, pacify; to reconcile, make consistent After a recent squabble, Frank realized Katherine had special connections with a restaurant he had been trying to get a job with for months. Therefore, he tried to conciliate her.
Substantiate (v.) to establish by evidence, prove; to give concrete or substantial form to Chase, Cameron, and Forman have to substantiate their evidence in order for Dr. House to agree to their diagnosis.
Portend: (v.) to indicate beforehand that something is about to happen; to give advice warning of The child’s dislike of the babysitter portended the chaos which was about to ensue.
Raze (v) to tear down, destroy completely, to cut or scrape off or out He razed his friend’s Lego city in anger!
Paucity (n) An inadequate quantity, scarcity, dearth She assumed that only ten people would show up to her party; after someone created a rumor that there would be free beer, her assumption became a paucity as nearly two hundred teenagers showed up to her house.
Macabre (adj) Grisly, gruesome; horrible, distressing; having death as a subject Although the death sentence for a murderer seems fair, it is completely macabre.
Lackadaisical Adj. Lacking spirit or interest, half hearted After much hard work unpacking objects in the new house, Kate began to become lackadaisical.
Litany N. A prayer consisting of short appeals to God recited by the leader alternating with responses from the congregation; any repetitive chant; a long list When reading the “Prayer for Peace,” the prayer leader recites one line and the congregation says the next line.
Juggernaut A massive and inescapable force or object that crushes whatever is in its path A juggernaut, a massive boulder, fell and kept rolling toward Indiana Jones in the Raiders of the Lost Ark.
exacerbate to make more violent, severe, bitter, or painful Throwing the shoe at the scorpion did not kill it, it only exacerbated it.
fatuous stupid or foolish in a self-satisfied way Even though the little kid had already lost the argument, he kept making fatuous remarks because he could not come up with any good come-backs.
Slough Def: (v.) to cast off, discard; to get rid of something objectionable or unnecessary; to plod through as if mud; (n.) a mire; a state of depression One could slough any worthless possession into this enormous slough in Guatemala.