Drawing A Blank uDu Back in the 1700s, anybody and everybody who could work with glass made a thermometer. It wasn’t until a century later that most people agreed to use the thermometers developed by either Anders Celsius or Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. Hi. I’m Anders. And I’m Daniel. Call me “Daniel”.
Drawing A Blank uDu Your task is to construct a Celsius scale thermometer and measure the temperature of a beaker of water within 3°. In 30 minutes. Your materials are: Blank Thermometer RulerIce Boiling Water MarkerStir StickWaterCup You MUST wear goggles!
Drawing A Blank uDu When you’re ready, your team will come to the front table, measure the water temperature and check your answer against the value from the temperature probe. Get within 3° and you pass. Outside of that range — fail. CLEAN UP: Wipe the marks off your thermometer using a cotton ball and a little acetone at the sink. Carefully return all materials to the front table.