WR090 Skilled Writing through Inquiry: A Community of Scholars Examines Success, Grit, and Creative Intelligence WEEK 1 Fri., September 27, 2013
Please put your name card on the desk near your computer. Attendance & Homework Collection Freewrite An Introduction to the Portal Syllabus Questions Homework Review Order of Business Friday, Sept. 27
Why Do We Need To Learn Information Technology? Here we sit in a modern college computer lab, surrounded by the latest information technology. It can be a little scary at first, but by the end of the term, you’ll feel right at home, know how to use the computer and its software, and cruise around the Web like a pro. You’ll be on-board the information technology train, and as you navigate through college in the next 2-6 years, keeping up with newer technology will be something you naturally do. We’ll watch a video that puts all of this into perspective. After all, even though the U.S. clearly has the world’s most powerful economy, much like Britain in 1900, things are changing, and fast! Video: “Did You Know!” by Karl FischDid You Know Think about how much t
Writing Journal Reflect on the video. What most struck (impressed) you about what you learned? Write thoughtfully about why knowing how to use computers and computer software will be essential to your life and work.
The Portal: A Guided Tour Lance Lannigan, your new best friend, Scholars! For real. Have your student number and password handy. If you forgot to bring it along and have not yet memorized it, no worries. Ask for help. Work with a partner. Follow Mary’s lead and learn how to find stuff on the portal. Do not visit other sites, check your , FB, etc. I know, it’s natural and tempting to do. Suppress the urge!
Homework Due, Tuesday., Oct. 1 st Tuesday, Oct. 1 st Autobiography Thursday, Oct 3rd Campus Places Capitalization Ex.
Questions? Call me (Mary), or better yet, text me at Ask someone in the AVID Center for help Ask a librarian Have a great weekend and be sure to put in time on your homework