Narrowing the gap Engagement Strategies in Maths.


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Presentation transcript:

Narrowing the gap Engagement Strategies in Maths

Narrowing the gap At the current rate of progress the FSM gap with the national average will not close until 2201

What causes the gap? Intergenerational low aspiration Low literacy levels/poor language acquisition Poor social and emotional skills Curriculum barriers Impact of poverty upon health and well being

What makes the most difference? Reflect with a colleague on what you think makes the most difference in a classroom/school? e.g. tracking, AfL, peer teaching, leadership and management, reading recovery, language programmes, social and emotional resilience programmes

Strategies for success Know the Gaps Identify gaps (FSM, G&T, SEN, BME, Gender) Understand the gaps Make gaps visible Promote use of data Build data confidence Celebrate Success Celebrate/promote faster progress and attainment of targeted pupils Capture and share what works well Achieve successful Ofsted Narrow the Gaps Deliver Quality First teaching Plan for progression Identify/use specific pedagogies Provide effective intervention Work with parents and families Use wider partnerships for support Mind the Gaps Focus relentlessly on narrowing gaps Assess pupils’ progress Use regular tracking to review progress Provide personal challenge and support for learning through tutoring and mentoring Seek and act on external challenge Plan for accelerated progress

By the end of the session: Who? What? When? Why? How?

Find someone who Situation Bingo Students are given a "bingo grid" of questions to ask their peers.. Students are not allowed to ask consecutive questions to the same person – they must move on, so a lot of movement around the room is required. Best used to either activate prior knowledge at the start of a topic e.g. Find someone who can add 2/7 and 5/8", or as a plenary activity at the end of a unit. A brilliant icebreaker for a new class. Noisy but fun.

Find someone who Discuss the following questions: How would you adapt this for your classroom? What resources would you need? What would the subject content be? What questions could you ask? When would use it? What do you think the student response would be?

Find someone who – Response from teachers Maths teacher who completed the activity with a Reception class Maths teacher who completed the activity with a top set year 9 class English teacher who completed the activity with a year 8 class

Sharing good practice username: toolkitdemo password: toolkitdemo

Try an activity Choose and feedback on: Three AfL strategies A practical activity An activity you have recently completed in a lesson

For each activity discuss the following questions: How would you adapt this for your classroom? What resources would you need? What would the subject content be? What questions could you ask? When would use it? What do you think the student response would be?

Sharing good practice Who? What? When? Why? How?

Next steps Peer to peer Twilight session at Longhill on Thursday 28 th April