Mai, Ian, Emily, Maggie, Cassidy, Sunny
Action the government takes in the economic field.
Approves taxes and expenditures Wage and price control consent Alter policies nominally passed by Fed. by passing laws
7 members appointed by the president. Regulate the supply of money (circulation and bank deposits) and price of money (interest rates) ◦ Buy securities: more money in circulation, interest rates drop, more borrowing money ◦ Sell securities: less money in circulation, interest rates increase, difficult to borrow money 12 regional federal reserve banks
People associate economic success with government success People hold economy in higher regard than their own finances (react accordingly) Democrats: Reduce Unemployment Republicans: Reduce Inflation
Key to strong economy is STEADY, PREDICTABLE government, which affects economy only by adding small amounts of money. ◦ Origin: government's start and stop methods of trying to solve economical problems (welfare, printing more money) Economist: Milton Friedman
Strong economy is a perfect balance of supply and demand. Too much of either will throw it off, so it is the governments job to monitor the economy and react accordingly. ◦ Favor more active government Economist: John Maynard Keynes
Belief that the government needs to be heavily involved in economy to keep it stable. ◦ Price and Wage Controls: Government sets maximum price and maximum wage per employer Big businesses are too easily able to respond to union strikes and inflation by raising prices on consumers.
◦ Industrial Policy: Government works to help basic industries such as steel or auto industries from getting crushed under market pressure Economist: Robert Reich
Less government interference ◦ Cutting taxes to increase people’s incentive to work, save, and invest. ◦ Greater investment leads to more jobs.. ◦ …Although tax rates will be lower, total national income will be higher.
Combination of supply side economics, monetarism, and domestic tax cuts. Result: successful, stimulated economy, but massive national deficits. Economist: Ronald Reagan
Document that announces how much the government will collect in taxes and spend in revenues and how those expenditures will be allocated among various programs.
Does the government actually have control over the economy? Was there any previously successful (or even plausible) way to manage it? What are the causes of our current debt? What are possible solutions to today’s national deficit of 14 trillion? (note: that’s 14 million stacks of a million dollars)