Types of Media Print media examples Newspapers, magazines, newsletters, books Electronic media example Radio, television, internet Most media outlets are run by private businesses to make a profit Managers often decide what news to report based on what will attract most viewers; larger audience = more money THE MEDIA’S IMPACT
Public Agenda Issues or problems that get the most time, money, and effort from government leaders Media has great influence on what problems governments consider important THE MEDIA’S IMPACT
Coverage of Candidates Candidates are usually experienced politicians who spent years working their way through their political parties Now famous people move into political positions quickly THE MEDIA’S IMPACT
Media and Elected Officials Share a complicated relationship; they need each other but often clash Politicians sometimes leak, or secretly pass on, information to test public reaction THE MEDIA’S IMPACT
Watchdog Role Journalists are eager to expose government waste or corruption Misconduct attracts viewers THE MEDIA’S IMPACT
Media and National Security Government can control information by classifying it as secret Critics say it makes it too easy for government to control the news THE MEDIA’S IMPACT
Democracy requires free flow of information to thrive The government protects mass media to operate freely with the first amendment Means media is free from prior restraint (censoring information before it is published) MEDIA SAFEGUARDS
Freedom within Limits Freedom of press is not unlimited Cannot publish false information that harms a reputation (libel) In order to win libel lawsuit a public official must prove malice (or evil intent) MEDIA SAFEGUARDS
Protecting Sources Getting news sometimes depends on not exposing a source’s name to the public 31 states and D.C. have media shield laws to protect reporters from having to reveal their source MEDIA SAFEGUARDS
Regulating the Media Federal Communications Commission (FCC) o Regulates broadcasting o Cannot censor broadcasts o Can penalize for violating rules MEDIA SAFEGUARDS