Emerging Adulthood The transition
Defining Adulthood Adulthood – period of life that follows adolescence and lasts until death. How do you determine what it means to be an adult? What are the social, economic and legal milestones that need to be achieved in order to label oneself an “adult”?
Legal matters 12 and over Can be prosecuted for provincial offences Can be charged with a criminal offence 16 and over Can quit school on sixteenth birthday Can no longer be apprehended by children’s aid society Can voluntarily withdraw from parental control Can refuse emergency treatment Can be entitled to social assistance
Legal Matters 18 and over Ceases to be a minor Eligible to vote Can no longer be subject of custody or access orders Is entitled to earn full minimum wage Can enter in to contracts Can marry without permission Can change name 19 and over Can purchase alcohol and tobacco
Historical transition to adulthood Pre-industrialization – no adolescence. After 8 years old considered youth who were able to work Pater familias Industrialization – production moved from home to factory Children went to work; daughters educated at home 20 th century – G. Stanley hall coins the term “adolecence” Abolition of child labour Mandatory schooling until 14
Coming of age in the 20 th century Young adults remain emotionally and financially dependent on parents. Leaving home, finishing school, starting a career and having a family all seem to be happening later. Jeffrey Jensen Arnett has labeled this a new developmental stage – emerging adulthood
Adulthood? Margaret Mead Set of consistent beliefs about behaviour of adults Opportunities for young people to participate in clear adult roles How would this delayed transition to adulthood be explained by: Functionalism? Conflict Theory?
Milestones Traditionally, there five markers or milestones of adulthood: 1. Leaving Home 2. Finishing School 3. Finding employment 4. Marriage 5. Starting a family
Leaving home Friends – a good example of young adult life? BaMbuti people of East Africa – rite of initiation called nkumbi Israel – mandatory 2 years of military service Mormons – must perform missionary service away from home for 2 years Considered semi-dependent as parents still supporting young adult and they are expected to return home frequently
When do you expect to leave home? 7/10 high school graduates and 6/10 parents believe children would be living independently by age 24. Social exchange theory – what are the costs and benefits of staying at/leaving home?
Why leave? Conflict? Intergenerational differences? Economics? Gender?
Young adults at home
Leaving home? US Figures show similar trends with a steady rise in young adults choosing to or not being able to leave home. What are some reasons that might explain this phenomenon?
Changing prices
Education Education a recent development Storytelling Children worked with parents Middle ages – wealthy boys sent to latin schools Until the 19 th century, education was reserved for the wealthy
Value of an education? Not historically or universally valued Why would education not be valued by working class parents in the 19 th century? Since WWII, Canada and other western countries continually evaluate whether education system meeting needs of students. Vocational training Access to post secondary Streaming Education seen as key to success
Value? Credentialism – education valued for skills and qualifications rather than knowledge or interest 80% - post secondary education 42% - university 29% - community college 10-20% of students in university will drop out after 1 st year Education inflation?
The value of education?
Ivory Tower
Entering the Workforce Opportunities were restricted during period of industrialization. Wages for youth were low and rent was relatively unaffordable Benefits for staying in school outweighed cost of living independent lifestyle. 20 th century – staying in school emphasized s – thriving economy, jobs plentiful (baby boomers) 1980s – Gen X – less jobs available.
Millenials at work
Generation screwed