VISTA Presentation Peter Canavan 24 May 2011
Who is the Australian Industry Group? Represent about 60,000 businesses of diverse sizes & industries. Our member services: –workplace relations –OHS and workers compensation –education and training –business development –environment and energy –immigration –trade and export development
Our involvement in the training sector … Skills Australia National Quality Council Australian Qualifications Framework Council Industry Skills Councils Victorian Skills Commission State Industry Training Boards
Percentages of skilled positions filled by occupation
How companies are managing skill shortages
National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults position LLN as a high priority link LLN to productivity initial focus on the existing workforce industry driven and coordinated it’s not just WELL improve LLN capability of VET practitioners
increased retention lower absenteeism decreased recruitment costs greater investment returns on training maintenance of corporate memory
Apprenticeship non-completion rates are an enormous cost to business Most apprenticeship contracts are cancelled during the first 3 to 6 months A main reason for not completing is “Did not get on with the boss or other people at work”
Competency based apprenticeship completions it’s about attracting more people it’s about performing competently at work as well as at TAFE it doesn’t mean they get signed off when their classes are finished apprentices need time to practice at work training plans need to be customised
Workforce Development Agency improving the quality and relevance of workforce training solutions co-ordinating and integrating enterprise stream funding reforming the apprenticeship system focussing on literacy and numeracy revitalising the development of management skills
VISTA Presentation Peter Canavan 24 May 2011