Origins Canaan- Homeland, Hebrews believed it was promised to them by God (Palestine) Torah- Holy doctrine, first 5 books of the Bible (Old Testament)
Abraham “Father” of the Hebrews Made a covenant (promise) with Yahweh Abraham promised to be faithful, Yahweh promised to protect his people
Journey from Ur to Egypt Abraham led his people to Egypt to escape drought and famine They were later forced into slavery
Moses Led Hebrews exit from Egypt, known as the Exodus Spoke with God on Mount Sanai, He returned with the 10 Commandments
Beliefs Emphasize moral conduct and the worship of one God (ethical monotheism) Ideas influenced human behavior for Christianity and Islam God will send a savior to earth after three signs have been sent Afterlife often called “world to come”
Israel 1948 Promise Land to Jews
Rabbi is the leader of the synagogue Sabbath is from sundown Friday to sundown on Saturday Star of David arose as symbol in 16 th century
Holidays Rosh Hashanah- Jewish New Year Yom Kippur- day of atonement Passover- exodus of Egypt Hanukkah- festival of lights