Human Computer Interaction Need: To ensure system functionality and usability, providing effective user interaction support Enhancing a pleasant user experience. Definition: The study of interaction between people and computers.
How fit effect performance and well-being Fit:-means perfect ness –a good fit between the HCI elements of the human, the computer and the task that needs to be performed will lead performance and well- being. Task: –Thoroughly understand, document and graphically depict the tasks that people currently perform in the organisation. Performance: –Combination of the efficiency involved in performing a task and the quality of the work that is produced by the task. –Performance is also efficient as analyst are using an automated tool with which they are familiar. Well being: –A concern for a humans’ overall comfort, safety and health, in sum it is their physical as well as their psychological state Terminologies
The Technology Acceptance module and Attitude (TAM) TAM is a way for analysts to organise their thinking about whether users will accept and use information technology It can be used to shape training while development of a system and after a system has been developed. By using TAM we can find out whether the technology provided to the users will be accepted or not.
USABILITY Usability –It is the study of the ease with which people can employ a particular tool or other human- made object in order to achieve a particular goal. In human-computer interaction and computer science, usability studies the elegance and clarity with which the interaction with a computer program or a web site is designed.
Complex computer systems are finding their way into everyday life, and at the same time the market is becoming saturated with competing brands. This has led to usability becoming more popular and widely recognized in recent years as companies see the benefits of researching and developing their products with user-oriented instead of technology-oriented methods. By understanding and researching the interaction between product and user, the usability expert can also provide insight that is unattainable by traditional company-oriented market research.
DESIGNING FOR THE COGNITIVES STYLES OF INDIVIDUAL USERS Cognitive refers to a faculty for the processing of information, applying knowledge, and changing preferences. In short… to create a design where maximum people can understand, make a sense, interpret, and produce data/results as desired.
Elements of designing for cognitive Pivot Table: –It allows users to arrange data in a table in any way they choose
Visual analysis of database It helps users to understand the situatoion very quickly. Now a days softwares like tableau are available to design visual database. Visual database may be in the form of graphs, bar graphs, histograms, pie charts. Various colours can represent different meaning.
Physical considerations in HCI designssigns Vision: Other than making good use of colours, designs, softwares analyst must also keep in mind the limitations of human vision and accordingly set the font size, contrast, brightness etc Hearing: Humans also have limits to amount of stress their senses can withstand. Noisy laser printers and phone conversations can lead to overload on human hearing. As an analyst you must consider noise when designing office systems, else the noise will divert the users mind or make them restless resulting in less productivity. Touch: analyst must consider the touch factor in HCI –E.g keyboard designs must be so that the user should not complain pains in his hand or fingers.