高 級 英 文 閱 讀高 級 英 文 閱 讀 The top five jobs of future 指導老師 : 張韶華 教授 學生: 9a2c0033 陳芳儀
Market Research Analyst Medical Sonographer Dental Hygienist Operations Research Analyst Health Services Manager
Market Research Analyst
Big data is giving a big boost to this profession. Market research analysts help companies navigate an increasingly competitive business landscape by crunching numbers and studying market conditions and consumer behavior. With their analyses, they can develop effective marketing strategies, which may include setting appropriate prices and choosing advantageous store locations.
Medical Sonographer
Afraid of going under the knife? Noninvasive procedures to check out your insides are not only more popular with patients, the lower costs and relative simplicity also make them better options for insurers. And with advancing technology, they can be applied in more cases and used in more places, such as doctors' offices and medical labs outside of hospitals.
Dental Hygienist
People in the oral health field have a great deal to smile about. In addition to growing demand for dental hygienists, the numbers of dentists and dental assistants are also expected to increase— by 12.7% and 16.0%, respectively, over the next 10 years.
Operations Research Analyst
Businesses are under constant pressure to do things better, faster and cheaper. Enter the operations research analyst. These pros help firms increase efficiency, lower costs and boost profits, using mathematical and analytical methods. And with advancing technology allowing companies to collect more data about their businesses and customers, the need is greater for people who can make sense (and dollars) of it all.
Health Services Manager
The aging population demands an increase in medical services, as well as people to manage those services. Health services managers may oversee the functions of an entire medical practice or facility—as a nursing home administrator, for example—or a specific department, as a clinical manager for, say, surgery or physical therapy. Health information managers work specifically on maintaining patient records and keeping them secure, an increasingly demanding task with the shift to digital.
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