Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration March 5, 2013
2# Enter your location in the Chat window – lower left of screen
3# (List your goals here)
Jenn Smith Management Analyst U.S. Department of Labor 4#
Now Available in the Community Practice! 5#
Content available to participants at registration Overview of the content Discussion #6
Participate in open discussion with presenters and peers. Phones will be un- muted. Be courteous. Reduce extraneous noise for the best audio quality by muting your phone, if you are not speaking. Choose the discussion room based on the number shown on your screen. #7
Were you able to watch the pre-recording in preparation for today’s webinar? YesNoSome of the video 8#
Judith Lorei Consultant YouthBuild USA 9#
Identify local employers in high-growth sectors Target required occupational skills Create concrete strategies for engaging employers Develop pipeline partnerships with stakeholders #10
#11 New YorkIllinoisWashingtonOhio Flushing YouthBuild Queens Prologue YouthBuild Chicago YouthCare Seattle Franklin County YouthBuild Columbus YouthBuild Long Island Deer Park Chicago Southland YouthBuild Harvey Tacoma Goodwill YouthBuild Tacoma YouthBuild Columbus Community School Columbus Central States SER Chicago Lummi YouthBuild Bellingham
Research the local labor market Sell the program and results Involve employers at multiple levels Build strong and strategic partnerships Develop a long-term vision 12#
Programs in the DOL YouthBuild Learning Community focused on certifications based on LMI –Logistics certification & nursing assistant certification (Franklin County YouthBuild) –Manufacturing & hazardous waste certification (Chicago Southland YouthBuild) #13
Programs in the DOL Learning Community used each encounter with employers as an opportunity for employer engagement –Dinner out turns into an employer partnership (Central Sate SER) –Service call leads to job placement (YouthBuild Long Island) –Job fair follow-up helped turn a cold call into a warm call (YouthBuild Tacoma Goodwill) #14
Programs in the DOL Learning Community learned the language of business and developed a clear sales message –Short (2 minute) and concise elevator pitch gets a foot in the door (Prologue YouthBuild) –Employer packet describes benefits of hiring YouthBuild students along with student goals and pictures (YouthCare YouthBuild) –MOA with a company to establish clear expectations (YouthBuild Long Island) #15
YouthBuild programs learned about the different needs of employers –Contact various departments within the Lummi Indian Business Council (Lummi Housing Authority) –Leverage a company’s need for name recognition and brand presence in the neighborhood (YouthBuild Flushing) #16
YouthBuild programs found creative ways to partner with post-secondary institutions –Work with college review board to enroll students with felonies (Franklin County YouthBuild) –Students scoring 3,000 on the GED receive free education at the community college and students that earn a GED are eligible to take one free community college class (Chicago Southland) #17
YouthBuild staff networked with industry associations and unions to plan the seed during down cycles in the economy –Attend industry events throughout the year (Long Island YouthBuild) –Make connections with the trades even when apprenticeship opportunities are closed (YouthCare YouthBuild) #18
Participate in open discussion with presenters and peers. Phones will be un- muted. Be courteous. Reduce extraneous noise for the best audio quality by muting your phone, if you are not speaking. Choose the discussion room based on the number shown on your screen. It may take a few minutes for the room number to appear on your screen. 19#
21# What was discussed during the session? What questions consistently came up?
Data Management April 2, 2013 at 2:00 PM (EDT) Construction May 7, 2013 at 2:00 PM (EDT) Recruitment and Mental Toughness June 4, 2013 at 2:00 PM (EDT) 23#
24# Bureau of Labor Statistics State LMI Office (search labor market information and your state) Occupational Outlook Handbook O*Net on-line
25# Career One Stop My Next Move My Skills My Future My Future Choose Your Future Mapping Your Future
26# National Center for Education StatisticsNational Center for Education Statistics Opportunity.gov Career One Stop
Judith Lorei Consultant YouthBuild USA Jenn Smith Management Analyst U.S. Department of Labor 27#
Please rate the quality of this webinar. ExcellentFairPoor 28#
How could this webinar be improved? 29#
If you did not have a chance to watch the pre-recording prior to the webinar, what prevented you from watching it? Length of the pre-recording.Lack of time. Could not access the pre- recording. Did not know there was a pre-recording. 30#
What other webinar topics might be useful in your work? 31#
Thank You! Find resources for workforce system success at: 32#