Entry Points for Demonic Strongholds
The “Born Again” Believer body spirit soul -mind/will -memory -emotionsNewspirit (dead to God) 2 Cor 5:17 – “new creation” Sin
Fruits of Demonic Spirits
What is a Stronghold”? “An area of your soul that refuses to submit to the ruling authority of Jesus.” Soul – mind, memory, emotions Body
Strongholds and Bondages body spirit soul -mind/will -memory -emotionsNew
Strongholds and Bondages body spirit soul -mind/will -memory -emotionsNew
Before Deliverance body spirit soul -mind/will -memory -emotions After Deliverance New
The “Typical” Christian body spirit soul -mind/will -memory -emotionsNew
Entry Points Generational sins/curses Word curses Sins committed against you Sins you commit Taking an offense
Entry Points for Demonic Strongholds