Indirect characterization – Curley’s wife – “Sunshine in doorway was cut off” (31) She blocks out the sun (happiness) Curley’s wife – red lips, shoes and feathers (31) “She said playfully” (31) Alluring and exotic Slim – calls Curley’s wife “goodlookin” (31). Slim speaks his mind Slim – “moved with a majesty only achieved by royalty and master craftsman” “capable of killing a fly…” “authority was great” (33) “God-like eyes” (44) Slim is the authority
Animal imagery in the fight (61-64): – Curley steps over to Lennie “like a terrier” – Lennie covered his face with “his huge paws and bleated with terror” – what is the contradiction here? – George yells “Get ‘im” to Lennie – Slim calls Curley “The dirty little rat” – Curley was “flopping like a fish on a line” – His fist “lost in Lennie’s paw” – Lennie is “whimpering” Why does Curley decide not to tell? – Because they would tell about his pummeling by Lennie and he would be humiliated---change his “reputation”
Chapter 3 Steinbeck cont. to describe George/Lennie relationship. During Depression, men need each other & must fight male tendency to “go it alone” (40) History of George/Lennie: – George was mean to Lennie – G realized he was treating L like an animal & changed – Both men depend on one another (49) Silence is symbolic: literally silencing dog, figuratively highlights men’s helplessness
(51) “jail bait” – young woman who tempts men sexually who then get in trouble b/c it is illegal to have sex w/them (57) “live offa da fatta da lan” self-sufficiency. Allegory for Utopia or Garden of Eden “perfect” – Constant reference to rabbits: innocence Chapter 4 Nicknames: – Curley: curly hair, cur Latin for coward – Candy: he is sweet, soft-natured, not respected b/c he is weak or too “feminine” – Nicknames usually come from physical attributes (+,-) Lennie & Crooks – friendship is ironic b/c they are both lonely
Who is powerless in this story? …other than Lennie Curley’s wife shows up at barn b/c she is also lonely. Her desperation and pathetic loneliness is heightened b/c she tries to seduce a black man, handicapped man and a crippled man Horizontal oppression – Powerless attack each other and other minorities rather than going after the real people who oppress them Internalized prejudice – oppressed begin to believe the stereotypes and prejudice about themselves
Short answer CH Three people think they know why George and Lennie travel together. Who are they and why do they think these men are traveling together? 2.What might Steinbeck’s purpose be for using foul and sometimes racist language in this novel? What tone does this set? 3.Why do some of the men get so excited about Bill Tenner writing a letter to the editor?
– Boss thinks they are traveling together so George can make money off Lenny – Curley implies they are having a sexual relationship (shows how crass or crude Curley is) – Slim believe they are traveling together to help each other out (shows his friendly and non-judgmental nature. – Realism. Steinbeck is portraying real men in real situations. These men were lower class and rough around the edges. They did not care how they spoke to one another and in fact were insecure so they used language to dominate – Even though Bill Tenner wrote a very short letter of not much substance, the men see Bill as accomplishing something and feel somewhat close to fame, having known him
For Extra Help-not requried Themes in CH 3 & 4 – 1 CD to support each theme 1.True friendship helps a person combat loneliness and offers protection 2.The American Dream is a hopeless pursuit 3.The strong will always prey on the weak