Form and structure of the body and its parts What things look like and where they are located
System of the bodyOrgans in the bodyJob or function SkeletalbonesProtects vital organs MuscularMuscle(meat)Support and move body SensoryEyes, ears, nose, skinSense and detect things outside the body NervousBrain, nerves spinal cordPass messages around the body, control the body CirculatoryHeart, blood vesselsThe blood carries substances around the body RespiratoryMuzzle, windpipe, lungsBreathing DigestiveStomach, liver, intestine, pancreas Digest and absorb feed UrinaryKidneys, bladderGets rid of poisons and waste ReproductiveTestes, penis, ovaries, uterus, vagina, vulva, udder To produce and feed young
Body Cavities Ventral body cavity – Contains most of the soft organs; divided by thin diaphragm Thoracic cavity- heart, lung, esophagus, blood vessels Abdominal cavity- digestive tract Pelvic cavity- urinary organs, reproductive organs Dorsal body cavity – Contains the brain and spinal cord Cranial cavity- brain Spinal cavity- spinal cord
Spinal Cavity Dorsal Cavity Ventral Cavity Abdominal Cavity Diaphragm Thoracic Cavity Cranial Cavity
Different Systems Skeletal system Muscular system Sensory system Nervous system Circulatory system Respiratory system Digestive system Urinary system Reproductive system
Skeletal System Bony tissue Framework from the animals body The size and shape of animals is determined by the skeleton
The Skeletal System Functions – Protection for vital organs – Helps keep organs properly arranged in the body
Skeletal System Compact bone – Honeycombed – Hard part of the skeleton – Bony tissue Calcium Phosphorus
Skeletal System Cartilage – Flexible at the ends of bones – Flexible material that lubricates the joints and cushion shocks
Muscular System The largest system in the body, making up about 45% of the body weight of hogs, cattle, and chickens Lean meat of animals
Muscular System Important for movement – Locomotion – Circulation – Digestion – Breathing
Muscular System Two types of muscles – Voluntary: controlled by the thinking part of the brain – Involuntary: automatically controlled by a lower part of the brain
Nervous System Provided animals with ability to react or adjust to different situations Helps with physical activity Provides pathways for all the senses Central Nervous System has the brain and spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System has somatic nerves which is muscles and skin and autonomic nerves which is the visceral organs
Sensory The brain also controls the senses. Different organs are: – The eyes for sight – The ears for hearing – The nose for smell – The tongue for taste – The skin for touch
Circulatory Moves digested food, oxygen, wastes, and other materials around the body. Systematic circulation is the movement of blood throughout the body
Circulatory System Blood-liquid in the circulatory system – Plasma-90% water – Solid materials- glucose, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids (proteins)
Circulatory System Solids in the blood include: – Red blood cells Contain hemoglobin Made in the bone marrow – White blood cells Help fight off disease Pus that forms at wounds is a collection of white blood cells – Platelets Essential for blood to clot
Circulatory System System parts – Heart: Pump that sends blood throughout the system – Arteries: Vessels that carry blood from the heart – Capillaries: Small branches from the arteries that carry blood to the cells – Veins: Carry blood back to the heart
Respiratory System Moves gases to and from the circulatory system Internal respiration – Exchange of gases between the cells and the blood within the body External respiration – Exchanges of gases in the lungs between the blood and the atmosphere
Respiratory System Parts of the Respiratory system – Nostrils: openings near the mouth through which gases enter and leave the body – Pharynx: connects the nose area with the mouth area – Larynx: often called voice box – Trachea: known as the windpipe; connects the pharynx with the lungs – Lungs: where gas is exchanged between the atmosphere and the blood
Respiratory System Breathing process involves air entering and leaving the lungs – Inspiration: process of taking air into the lungs – Expiration: Process of moving air out of the lungs
Digestive System Consists of the teeth, mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas, and rectum Begins in mouth where food is broken down into smaller pieces. In stomach it is mixed with juices to form soft paste. Then passes through intestine where bile from liver and juices from pancreas are added. Waste collects in rectum and passes out through anus (or cloaca in birds)
Digestive System Different livestock species have different digestive systems Ruminants have four compartments to stomach – Rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum Poultry have a crop, proventriculus and ventriculus
Digestive System Monogastric – Simple stomach – One compartment Pigs Horse Dog Cat Birds
Endocrine System The endocrine system functions are – Controls growth – Reproductive functions Heat Lactation birth – Shape of the animal – Feed efficiency
Urinary System Main organ are the two kidneys, which lie against the backbone and bladder Waste materials and water are taken out of the blood in kidneys Forms urine which is then collects in bladder and passes out of the body
Urinary System Kidney’s are shaped differently for different livestock – Lobulated Cattle Chicken – Heart shaped Horse – Bean shaped Pigs Sheep
Reproductive System Two different reproductive systems: Female produces eggs from ovaries and gives birth Male produces sperm from testis and fertilizes the egg