This medieval skeleton has been beheaded There is no evidence that this man was a soldier… And it seems that the head was removed after death… So who might they be and WHAT HAPPENED???
Why did some people in the Middle Ages dig up the dead? Explain using sources why the Church was so important in the Middle Ages Suggest and justify reasons why medieval people sometimes dug up and decapitated bodies Why is there still disagreement about why people went on Crusade?
Why was the Church so important in the Middle Ages? Read page Medieval Minds Now answer the following: 1.What was the main job of a priest? 2.What kinds of things were seen as “sins”? Now Read page What was Hell and why did people go there when they died? 4.What was Purgatory? Pride Envy Anger Avarice Sadness Gluttony Lust Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Welcome the stranger Clothe the naked Visit the sick Visit the prisoner Bury the dead
7 Top Tips to Get to Heaven!! In pairs use pages to create a role play One of you should be the priest, one an ordinary person The ordinary person needs to CONFESS their sins The priest needs to give advice on how they could get to Heaven still You should cover: Priests, Relics, Pilgrimages, Monks, Buying Pardons, Building Chantries, Living a Good Life Any closer to explaining what happened to the skeleton? Pride Envy Anger Avarice Sadness Gluttony Lust Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Welcome the stranger Clothe the naked Visit the sick Visit the prisoner Bury the dead
Why did some people in the Middle Ages dig up the dead? Watch the video and take notes Opening few minutes (0-5:30) Also medieval-times-archaeologists-excavation_n_ html medieval-times-archaeologists-excavation_n_ html