Film Background Release date: 1976 Directed by: Martin Scorsese Screenplay (original): Paul Schrader Director of Photography: Michael Chapman Who’s who of actors: Robert DeNiro, Cybill Shepard, Harvey Keitel, Jodie Foster Based on The Searchers (1956) A film noir/Hitchcock feel to the film
Themes Loneliness Mental Illness Urban alienation Hidden (?) racism Rescue of women The Hero/the Anti-Hero The concept of justice
Motifs WATER!-In all its forms
Tech POV Long shots The use of color
Scenes to Analyze Bickle’s second date attempt with Betsy Bickle’s conversation with Bickle
Tidbits DeNiro’s method (Stanislavski) acting Musical Score: Bernard Hermann The taxi cab as a metaphor for loneliness and male drifting The irony of the setting (city)
Interesting quotes Scorsese: (Taxi Driver) “is a documentary of the mind.” Schrader: (Loneliness) “is a pathology we share. It’s a particular kind of breed of white boy.” Schrader: (On censorship of the film) “what happens when we will still have Raskalnikov but we won’t have Crime and Punishment?!”
Questions/Thoughts to ponder Why is this film still so well received? Should such a violent film be made (does it inspire violence)? Existential: How to make sense in a senseless world (hand- wringing/sadness) Post-modern: There is no meaning to the world (no hand- wringing/sadness)
Enjoy the show… “you talkin’ to me?”