PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN I researched pirates of the Caribbean as I felt that the scene in which Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swan stranded on the island was very relevant. The ways in which they both cope with being on the island and the ways in which there behaviour’s change. For example, through the film Elizabeth Swan appears a very respectable upper class woman, but whilst on the island she drinks and creates a fire, therefore showing a more rebellious side of which was unexpected. ANhpQ
MARY CELESTE I found the story and famous mystery of the Mary Celeste boat, found by on 4 th December 1872 in the Atlantic Ocean, unmanned an d abandoned, extremely interesting as there has never been an accurate explanation for the missing crew as they were never found. I want my audience to experience the same interest I felt whilst researching this story. I want the story to play on their mind in order to keep them engaged and constantly trying to figure out what happened. I decided to create this feeling by using a similar story in my radio drama. For example, the boat in which my characters Rosie and Jake had been on was found unmanned and abandoned after it had been stolen by the staff. This makes parallels with the island Rosie and Jake are on, which is also unmanned and abandoned.
CAST AWAY The film Cast away starring Tom Hanks explores the same themes of which I would like to involve throughout my radio drama. These themes are isolation, anger and loneliness. By watching and researching the film I have been able to understand the feelings of being alone and trapped on an island and therefore this will help me when creating my characters as I will develop and deeper understanding of what I want them to feel. CLs&feature=fvw
LOST (TV SERIES) I was able to gather I feel for the surroundings of my characters whilst researching and watching lost as I want my island to have the same appearance and feel towards the island of which I gained whilst watching the series. I want it to be seen as a dangerous place with a frightening feel towards it. I want the island to appear dark and gloomy, rather than bright, beautiful and sunny. I was also able to again developing an understanding of the characters which allowed me to become sympathetic towards them. I want my audience to become sympathetic towards Jake and Rosie due to everything that has happened on the vacation.
LORD OF THE FLIES Lord of the flies explores the themes, issues and consequences of young school boys trapped on a deserted island. The island slowly drives the boys mad and turns some of them against each other. I want Jake to turn against Rosie whilst on the island as he is unable to cope with the abandonment he is feeling. I will use similar techniques and ideas explored in the story of Lord of the Flies to create the reasons for Jake’s behaviour.