It is a pure oops language and a high level language. It was developed at sun microsystems by James Gosling
There are two types of java programming. They are Application programming Applet programming
Application programming was based on CUI (character user interface) It has a more security privilege.
Applet programming is based on GUI ( graphical user interface ) It is more secure. It is executed in a java-enabled browser ( such as Internet Explorer, Applet browser) It can only runs on Applet viewer or any other browser.
Class Example { public static void main(String arg[]) { System.out.println( “This is a simple java program”); } }
Java compiler compiles Java code to an intermediate byte code that is understood by the Java Environment. JVM – Java Virtual Machine JVM is an Interpreter. JRE – Java Runtime Environment
Other than data types such as int, float, etc. There are two other data types such as byte and Boolean. Java obeys Unicode ( 16 bit character) Java provides 2 bytes for char & 4 bytes for int.
Similar to C++, java also consists of compound statements such as if………else, while statement etc. It also consists of switch cases, looping statements etc. But It does not support “ go to “ statement.
Java does not support multiple inheritance. All classes in java are derived from object class. To inherit from a class, we use the extends Keywords. The base class is known as Super class in Java. The derived class is known as Subclass in java.
Array is a collection of data of a similar type in a memory location. Syntax: 1, [ ] ; (or) 2, [ ];
A java program can be executed in command prompt by using following steps: 1, Save 2, At command prompt, javac for compiling. 3, At command prompt, java welcome to run the program
Steps to create a new project: * file new project * in the new project window, java java application next * in the New java application window, project name : ‘enter the name ‘ next * project name source package default package (right click) new java class. * in the new class window, class name : ‘enter the name ‘ finish.
In a java program to get inputs at runtime, the following command can be used. 1. BufferReader d = new BufferReader( new InputStreamReader(; 2. DataInputStream d = new DataInputStream(; for assigning value, a = Integer.parseInt( d.readline( ) );
TThere are several packages in java. IIt is known as a collection of related class into a single unit. WWe can also create our own packages.
A package can be declared using the following syntax: package package_name;
Packages can be imported by the following Syntax: 1. import.*; 2. import..*;
Java. Lang package is an important package which is automatically imported in the java program. It provides classes according to primitive type (wrapper class) Some of the wrapper classes are Integer class, Double class Object class is the super class of all classes in Lang package.
Java contains function overloading but it does not contain operator overloading. Java also does not contain pointer, destructors, go to statement.
Similar to oops, java also contains constant data member and member functions. Syntax: final datatype constant_identifier = assigned value; Eg: final int a = 10;
In java several keywords are used. Some of them are true, false, null – they are reserved words.
Converting one data type variable into another data type is called type casting. Syntax: variable_dt = (datatype) variable; Eg: int a; byte b; b=(byte) a;
System class is an important class in the java. It contains two streams namely input stream and output streams The object of the input stream is ‘in’ The object of the output stream is ‘out’
All exceptions in the java programming are the objects of the classes in it. It is dependent on throwable class such as error and exception. It is similar to exception handling in C++. A ‘finally’ block will be executed whether the exception is thrown or not It appears at the end of the try block
It is just like a class. It has methods and data items. It is declared with a keyword “interface” All the methods of interface are default abstract method.
We can’t inherit an interface into a class but we can implement into a class using “implements” keyword While implementing, we must define all the abstract methods of the interface into that class. We can implement more than one class into a single class ( instead of multiple inheritance)
Abstract methods have only the declaration. It should be declared/defined in the inherited classes We cannot create objects for the abstract class but we can create a reference variable.
Applet does not contain main but contain class which contains following functions. public void init( ); public void start( ); public void paint( graphics g); public void stop( ); public void destroy( );
Called when applet is first loaded to the browser It is not called each time the applet is executed.
Called immediately after init( ) initialized. It is revoked each time user returns to page after having left it. It is used to start animation threads
It is called by the browser after init and start It will revoked whenever the browser redraws the screen ( typically when part of the screen has been obscured and then re-exposed ) This method is used where user level drawing is placed
IIt is called when the user leaves the page IIt is used to stop animation threads
Import java. Applet.*; Import java.awt.*; where awt abstracted window tool kit