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Dewey Decimal System Did You Know? Dewey Decimal system has a number for ALL books. Just because it’s in the Dewey Decimal system doesn’t mean it’s non-fiction Some examples of books that are not non- fiction are: Folk & Fairy Tales 398 & 398.2, Riddles, Poetry 811, and Plays 812 Fiction books could actually be put in the 813s!
What does RC stand for? Reading Counts!
What does it mean when a book is a Reading Counts book? It has a label at the bottom and sometimes a green dot at the top.
All our Reading Counts books are on this side of the Media Center.
Young Hoosier Books They’re Reading Counts, too!
Reading Counts Fiction
Reading Counts Non-Fiction They’re grouped by numbers like RC Sch.
Reading Counts Non-Fiction
Non-Fiction Shelving Non-fiction books are first shelved by their number and then by the letters following their numbers. For example: 900 Alb 901 Alb Alb Alb
Are these in correct order?
Reading Counts Biographies
These books are shelved with a B (for Biography) and the first 3 Letters of the person’s name. For example, a biography about George Washington would be RC B Was
Correct Order for RC Biographies B Ada B Aik B Ale
Reading Counts Story Collection
Non-Fiction Books These books are shelved by numbers and letters like Nef
Book Drop Off
Do you know about inter-library loan? 1.You can order a book from another school. 2.It will arrive in about 2-3 days. 3.You have two weeks to read and return the book. 4.There is no charge. 5.We can order from any school in our school corporation.