Skills needs of the French Naval Industry Bruxelles April 24th
The French Naval Industry, French Navy and Yachting people The French Naval Industry, French Navy and Yachting people The Naval Industry and yachting, with Oil & Gas (1) constitute the industrial branch of the French Maritime Cluster Maritim which employs people in France (1) Offshore Oil & Gas: people Naval Industry French Navy Yachting Complex PrototypesSeries
The technological challenge of the Naval Industry
IDF 104 stés. 10’000 emplois Pays de la Loire 50 stés. 6’000 emplois Bretagne 110 stés. 8’000 emplois PACA 83 stés 6’600 emplois Basse Normandie 19 Nord Pas De Calais 14 Rhône Alpes 11 Haute Normandie 12 Aquitaine 12 Poitou Charentes 8 Languedoc Roussillon 7 Centre 6 Bourgogne 3 Midi Pyrénées 4 Lorraine 4 Picardie 3 Franche Comté 2 Champagne Ardenne 2 Auvergne 1 Alsace 1 Limousin 0 More than employees to employees 100 to 500 employeesLess than 100 employees500 to employees 2012 : 480 companies Based on HQ localisation The Naval Industry is a major economical partner in local territories The Naval Industry is a major economical partner in local territories 69 shipyards 9 > 100 employees Yachting Industry 4
Many different technichal positions More than 300 positions exist within companies of the Naval Industry, mostly in technical such as welding, mechanics, electrotechnics, maintenance, conception, engeneering …
High qualified employees Source : : INSEE (DADS – fichier détail salariés), 2006, région Bretagne. Characteristics of Employment
Initiatives taken by the French Naval Industry to meet skills business needs Initiatives taken by the French Naval Industry to meet skills business needs 7 A group of industrial members (HR) meets every month (One Hour Conference Call) and works on common projects regarding skills needs Another group of main vocational trainning (VT) providers forms the French CAMPUS NAVAL and helps structure an offer of initial training better adapted to business needs 3 projects have been launched with French National Education to adapt diplomas which concern mostly operators and technicians in mecatronics, vessel conception and welding
The French Naval Campus 8 Launched during EURONAVAL at the end of 2012 by GICAN, the French Naval Campus is a way for main training actors of the Naval Industry to get direct information regarding business needs and works with companies on short and long term solutions Main goals: - an effective structuration of « bottom-up » training paths for specific skills required by the Naval Industry (from operator to engineer) with professional and when possible, international certificates - promotion of careers through a website where videos and documents are available for all publics especially pupils, teachers, parents and media