Professional Learning Networks Using Technology to Collaborate Jim Blog-> xxxxx
The professional network learning collaborative (PNLC) group passwords
People we are following on Twitter
People following us on Twitter
Who to follow on Twitter Notice who is following whom!
Posts on Twitter #sli11 - is a way of categorizing the tweets about this topic. -contacts my feed to let me know I was mentioned. mention)
Re-tweeting on Twitter
Using Twitter on the Go!
Linked In-
Social Bookmarking Sites Delicious --
All of these people linked to the same Article That I did!
Now I can graze Lucy’s links and tags for more great connections…and maybe even more people to network with ! Lucy’s Tags
Blogs/ Nings
iChat and Skype Stamford, CT Cocoa Beach, FL
Skype in the Classroom
Some extras...
iTunes University
Good article from DA online - PLNs Made Easy- The networked student- Twitter and Facebook and Traditional PD- migh_n_ html?utm_hp_ref=educationhttp:// migh_n_ html?utm_hp_ref=education 100 Blogs every new teacher should read- read/ read/ 25 Useful Forums and Blogs for new teachers- forums-and-blogs-for-new-teachers/ forums-and-blogs-for-new-teachers/ Getting Started Article - developing.html developing.html Building your PLN- Building a PLN 2- PLN resources: