CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Chemistry
Chemistry is… The study of the composition of matter and the changes that matter undergoes
1. Organic Chemistry Study of substances containing carbon For example, petroleum based products, fuels, etc
2. Inorganic Chemistry Study of substances that do not contain carbon For example, rocks, precious metals, mining
3. Analytical Chemistry Study of the composition of substances For example, finding small quantities of medication in blood
4. Physical Chemistry Study of the behavior of chemicals For example, the stretching of nylon, bathing suits, chewing gum
5. Biochemistry Study of the chemistry of living things For example, the process of digestion and respiration
Applications of Chemistry: Materials Energy Medicine and biotechnology Agriculture Environment Astronomy
CHEMISTRY is ALL AROUND You… You just need to learn how to look for it!!!
The Scientific Method O bservation (use your senses) H ypothesis (proposed explanation for observation) E xperiment (test the hypothesis) C onclusion (what did you find?) Reject or support hypothesis? May need to revise hypothesis and re-experiment Communicate O.H.E.C. Not AGAIN!!!
Laws and Theories Theory = an idea that is widely supported by scientific experimentation Can never be proven because it can always be challenged Gives one the power to predict the behavior of natural systems Law = concise statement that summarizes the results of many observations and experiments
Scientific Method Worksheet Inference vs. observation Qualitative vs. quantitative Control vs variable
Chapter 1 EOC Questions Page # #16, 18, 22, 25, 29, 41 Mystery Cubes