Information day on EUROCONTROL Guidance Material on the application of Common Requirements for Service Provision SAFETY ASPECTS SAFETY ASPECTS Juan Vázquez, SRU Safety Expert European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
CONTENTS Certification Process and ESARR 1 ESARRs and Common Requirements
Certification Process and ESARR 1 ESARR 1, Safety Oversight in ATM, Edition 1.0 Was approved by the PC in November 2004 Defines the processes to be implemented by NSAs to ensure an effective safety oversight function to ensure an effective safety oversight function ESARR 1 does not require certification of ANSPs It does not define what has to be verified by an NSA
ESARR 1, Safety Oversight in ATM, Edition 1.0 ESARR 1 addresses the overall safety oversight process Actions needed to verify the safety-related requirements relevant to a specific situation… in a “specific situation” such as…... Certification or Ongoing Supervision in a “specific situation” such as…... Certification or Ongoing Supervision Certification Process and ESARR 1
SESIS and ESARR 1 Within SESIS, ESARR 1 has provided a major input to the development of guidance for use by NSAs ESARR 1 sets the standard for NSA in relation to safety Model process that may be applied in relation to non- safety related requirements Its implementation period (by November 2007) covers the current certification process in SES Implement ESARR 1… … and you will be doing the right thing to address safety in the certification process Implement ESARR 1… … and you will be doing the right thing to address safety in the certification process
SESIS and ESARR 1 SRC decided to: Give priority to the production of ESARR 1 guidance to support the certification process Coordinate with the Agency the use of this guidance to support SESIS with safety oversight inputs To identify the features that any certification procedure should contain to ensure an effective implementation of ESARR 1
SESIS and ESARR 1 Safety auditing approach compliant with ESARR 1 and supported by comprehensive SRC guidance (EAM 1 / GUI 3) Safety auditing approach compliant with ESARR 1 and supported by comprehensive SRC guidance (EAM 1 / GUI 3) To be applied for all the safety-related common requirements: Those intended to transpose ESARRs Those referring to safety-related operational or technical matters operational or technical matters SESIS integrates this approach into its certification model
ESARRs and COMMON REQUIREMENTS: Art.6 Service Provision Regulation – CRs shall address: Technical and operational competence and suitability Safety Management and Quality Management Reporting systems Financial strength Liability and insurance cover Human resources Security Quality of services Ownership and organisational structure
ESARRs and COMMON REQUIREMENTS: Art.6 Service Provision Regulation – CRs shall address: Technical and operational competence and suitability Safety Management and Quality Management Reporting systems Financial strength Liability and insurance cover Human resources Security Quality of services Ownership and organisational structure SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY ATS/CNS PROVIDERS SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY ATS/CNS PROVIDERS ESARRs meet and exceed the CRs in this area
What is the link with the ESARRs ? Article 4 (Service Provision Regulation) Safety requirements The Commission shall, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5(3) of the framework Regulation, identify and adopt the Eurocontrol Safety Regulatory Requirements (ESARRs) and subsequent amendments to those requirements within the scope of this Regulation that shall be made mandatory under Community law. Publication shall take the form of references to such ESARRs in the Official Journal of the European Union. Article 4 (Service Provision Regulation) Safety requirements The Commission shall, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5(3) of the framework Regulation, identify and adopt the Eurocontrol Safety Regulatory Requirements (ESARRs) and subsequent amendments to those requirements within the scope of this Regulation that shall be made mandatory under Community law. Publication shall take the form of references to such ESARRs in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Transposition of ESARRs into Community Law COMMON REQUIREMENTS FOR TECHNICAL PERSONNEL Directive on ATCO Licensing FOR ATCOs Directives on Reporting of Occurrences & Accident Investigation Provisions applicable to ANSPs ESARR 1 ESARR 2 ESARR 3 ESARR 4 ESARR 5 ESARR 6
Transposition of ESARRs into Community Law COMMON REQUIREMENTS FOR TECHNICAL PERSONNEL Directive on ATCO Licensing FOR ATCOs Directives on Reporting of Occurrences & Accident Investigation Provisions applicable to ANSPs ESARR 1 ESARR 2 ESARR 3 ESARR 4 ESARR 5 ESARR 6 EAM (ESARR ADVISORY MATERIAL) More than 30 guidance deliverables released or under development 5 means of compliance assessed and recognised as acceptable Other support materials
Transposition of ESARRs into Community Law COMMON REQUIREMENTS FOR TECHNICAL PERSONNEL Directive on ATCO Licensing FOR ATCOs Directives on Reporting of Occurrences & Accident Investigation NSA procedures for safety oversight Provisions focused on service providers ESARR 1 ESARR 2 ESARR 3 ESARR 4 ESARR 5 ESARR 6 ESARR 1 ESARR 2 ESARR 3 ESARR 4 ESARR 5 ESARR 6 ESARRs cover the safety management-related Common requirements Almost exact wording transposed in most cases (ESARR 3, ESARR 4, ESARR 5 for Technical Personnel) Links between Common Requirements and Directives are fully covered by ESARR 2 and ESARR 5 for ATCOs Guidance exists to support the implementation in all these areas
CONCLUSIONS REGARDING ESARR 1 SESIS GUIDANCE integrates the features ESARR 1 requires to verify safety in any certification process: Consistently with ESARR 1 With flexibility to fit other arrangements for the supervision of non-safety related requirements REGARDING ESARRs applicable to ANSPs Implementation of Safety Management Systems is key… SESIS takes onboard the work done so far in relation to the ESARRs: ESARRs exceed the CRs intended to transpose them ESARRs are supported by comprehensive guidance material