Questions HASAWA
1. State the aims of the Health and Safety at Work Act. To protect employees by the law. To protect employers by the law. To increase awareness of safety at work. To provide supervision, information and training.
2. State the responsibilities of the employee. Take responsibility to avoid injury to themselves or others. Co-operate with their employer. Comply with the law. Do not interfere with anything provided for H&S. Report any accidents. Report any damage to machinery.
3. Discuss the responsibilities of the employer Ensure the work place is safe and free from hazards. Make staff aware of HASAWA. Dealing with any problems that may arise. Organising staff training. Supervision of staff.
4. Discuss the main responsibilities of an employer in order to comply with the HASAWA. Ensure that the work place is safe and free from hazards. Making staff aware of HASAWA. Dealing with any problems that may arise. Organising staff training on equipment etc. Comply with COSHH & RIDDOR. Regular checking and recording.
COSHH COSHH is the law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health. You can prevent or reduce workers' exposure to hazardous substances by: finding out what the health hazards are; deciding how to prevent harm to health (risk assessment); providing control measures to reduce harm to health; making sure they are used ; keeping all control measures in good working order; providing information, instruction and training for employees and others; providing monitoring and health surveillance in appropriate cases; planning for emergencies.
RIDDOR The Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations are commonly known as the RIDDOR Regulations. Under the RIDDOR Regulations, there are different classes of accidents that are required to be reported: work-related deaths, major injuries or over three day injuries, work related diseases, dangerous occurrences like near miss accident It is the responsibility of the employer or the person in control of the premises to ensure that these have been reported.