Classroom Wiki Tutorial EDIC 763 Instructional Design Fall 2011 Aysha Bajabaa Dr. Gary Whitt 1 NextBack
Classroom Wiki Tutorial At the end of this Tutorial you will be able to create classroom wiki by meeting these goals: Creating an account for a classroom wiki. Recognizing different areas and options in a wiki website. Editing classroom wiki. 2
Create an account for classroom wiki Choosing a wiki host websites There are different wiki host websites to choose such as; (I choose for this tutorial) To start this tutorial you need any computer with Internet access. Go to Click “Sign Up” to create your wiki add and password to create account 3
Create an account for classroom wiki Select free plan for classroom wiki PBworks has several options for educational wikis according to different features. Basic plan fits classroom wiki needs. Click on “Select” for the Basic Plan Click on “ select” for the basic plan 4
Create an account for classroom wiki Choose appropriate address name Choose easy address name for your class wiki. Determine the type of the class wiki ( for education). Click “Next”. Write the name of class wiki Wiki type Check agree 5
Create an account for classroom wiki Confirm account creation click the link in the confirmation sent to your and click through the link provided to finish signing up and continue to your workspace When prompted, choose your workspace's security settings Note: these wiki private settings can be changed later, until you are ready to share it with your students. Then click “ Take me to my workspace.” Click to start working in wiki Select security settings 6 Slide 16
Start working on a wiki website Menu Bar 7 Display options Working area Quick commands Tools side bar for page
Edit front page Front page is the same as a home page for a website and it can’t be deleted. Click on the EDIT tab to login to the front page. Front page can be used to describe your wiki, make weekly announcements, and whatever you want. Start writing your content after deleting all of the default text in the box. Editing Front page is similar to word office. At the end save your work by clicking the save tab. Delete default text Click to save 8
Start working on a wiki website Customizing classroom wiki Click on the settings tab to customize and set your classroom wiki through different settings options: 1. Basic settings 2. Access controls 3. Advance settings ( will not cover in this tutorial) Click on the settings tab
Start working on a wiki website Customizing classroom wiki 1. Basic settings allows you to: add information about your Wiki such as the title of your wiki, a description of the workspace, and the contact . Modify background colors. Export wiki content as a zip file. Click save at the end. Logo not supported by basic free plan 10
Start working on a wiki website Customizing classroom wiki 2. Access controls allows you to change the settings for access to your wiki (viewing and editing) and be able to set up individual accounts for your students in the Users section. Workspace Security Notifications &RSS Classroom account (1-4 steps) Create students account which allows you to automatically generate usernames and passwords for students who don't have addresses. Be sure to complete all 4 steps. Determine who can view this wiki. 11 Choose this Set different notifications, ( , RSS feed)
Start working on a wiki website Customizing classroom wiki Classroom account Step#1 Identify the following : number of students. permission level (editor, writer, reader). Note: (you can add more students later), choose “Writer” for students access (you can change this later as well) Choose writer Click to step #2 12
Start working in a wiki website Customized classroom wiki Classroom account Step 2: In this page, you will be able to give your students usernames for their wiki accounts. For safety and privacy you can use initials or first names only. you can choose students’ username and password or used the default ones. 13
Start working in a wiki website Customized classroom wiki Classroom account Step 3 : In this page, after reviewing students’ names and user names, click the “create accounts” tab to confirm creating students accounts. A PDF of the account information will be generated to print and distribute to students. Note: Check the list carefully, you can add more students later, but you will not be able to change these accounts once confirmed. 14 Click to confirm
Start working in a wiki website Customized classroom wiki Classroom account Step 4: This page will ask you to print your account list. The print out will include a master list at the top and a divided list (for individual students) at the bottom. 15 Click here to print
Edit classroom wiki Create page or folder Click on “page & files” To create page or a folder clicking on “new” icon and choose. First create folder and name it. Then create page and you will be asked to name the page, choose either a blank page or a template, and select folder to save this page. Create page by Choosing name, content type, and folder save 16 Click here first
Edit classroom wiki Edit page To edit a page find it in specific folder and click on it. Then, click on the “Edit” tab to start editing the page. Editing any page is similar to editing the front page except you can delete the page. It is more comfortable for students to create text in Word first, and then copy and paste onto the wiki page. When you’ve finished working on the page, click Save. Note: In view mode, use the recent activity option to track your students’ work and interaction with the wiki. To see older changes, click “More Activity”. 17 Folder’s name Page’ s name Click to see more activities Slide 19
Edit classroom wiki upload In EDIT mode you will see an option on the right side of the screen to Insert links to files or images. You can insert images either through uploading from your computer or from URL link. When you finish uploading your file, click Save. 18 Click to inser t link for imag es Click here to upload
Edit classroom wiki Manage Side Bar In VEIW mode, Side Bar is located the right side of the screen. The SideBar can be used to provide links to frequently used websites, wiki pages, or resources. You can edit side Bar similar to editing any page but can’t be deleted. 19 Click to edit side Bar Examples of resources