Athens A city-state that was the best example of ancient Greek democracy; the capital of modern Greece.
Troy A city on the western coast of Asia Minor; site of the legendary Trojan War Troy Asia Minor
Homer ancient Greek poet who composed two poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey, about the Trojan War
Pericles ancient Athenian leader who strove to make Athens the center of art and literature and who was responsible for building the Parthenon.
aristocracy A government controlled by a few wealthy people
democracy A government by the people.
Assembly In ancient Greece, an Athenian governing body of all citizens older than 18.
helot A slave
Trojan War war between the Greeks and the people of the city of Troy; subject of Homer’s poems The Iliad and The Odyssey
Olympic Games athletic contests held by the ancient Greeks in honor of Zeus about 3,500 years ago & revived in modern times