Describe the cardiac cycle (how the heart beats) Understand the relationship with changing pressures and the valve closures
Click here to start Label the Heart!!!
A B F C D E G H Click on the left atrium I J
A B F C D E G H Click on the left ventricle I J
A B F C D E G H Click on the tricuspid valve I J
A B F C D E G H Click on the semi-lunar valves I J
A B F C D E G H Click on the right atrium I J
A B F C D E G H Click on the right ventricle I J
A B F C D E G H Click on the pulmonary veins I J
A B F C D E G H Click on the pulmonary arteries I J
A B F C D E G H Click on the aorta I J
A B F C D E G H Click on the vena cava I J
Game Over!!!
The heart is a DOUBLE PUMP: 1st - blood is pumped to the lungs & returns to the heart, 2nd - blood is pumped to respiring muscles & back to the heart again. 1. Deoxygenated blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs 2. The blood receives oxygen and is pumped back to the heart 4. The oxygen leaves the blood to be used for respiration in the body and the blood goes back to the heart 3. The oxygenated blood is then pumped to the rest of the body
Lets take your blood pressure…. What does the reading mean? /student_view0/chapter22/animation__the_ca rdiac_cycle__quiz_1_.html FILL PHASE Atria Contract Ventricles contract
Systole Diastole
Heart Pumping Heart Pumping
Let’s start from when the ventricles have just contracted and pumped the blood either to the pulmonary or the systemic arteries.
Average human heart beats 70 times per minute and each. Stroke Volume is about 70 ml Cardiac Output = Stroke Volume x heart rate. KuJmMM54&feature=related
The heart is a muscular pump that keeps blood moving.