Chapter 33.2 Questions HOMEWORK DO NOW: take out your inequality in our world handouts and your geography of Rome scales
SPQR - Senātus Populusque Rōmānus (The Roman Senate and People)
Patricians vs. plebeians
Patricians vs. plebeians
Patricians Upper class citizens that came from a small group of wealthy land owners Patrician comes from the Latin word “patres” which means “father”
Patricians The patricians chose the men who would advise the king – “fathers of the state” Patricians controlled the most valuable land and held the most important military and religious offices
plebeians Lower class citizens who were mostly laborers, craftspeople, and shopkeepers Plebeian comes from the Latin word “plebs” which means “many”
plebeians Plebeians made up about 95% of the Roman population Plebeians could not hold important jobs, had little say in government, and were forced to serve in the army
Daily lives of patricians and plebeians - #16
patricians and plebeians Notes & Venn diagram - #17