ATCGGACTA TAGCCTGAT is a part of DNA that codes for blue eye color. Replicate the DNA and tell or show how the new DNA is the same as the original.
Genetics Chapter 5.1
Vocabulary Heredity- The passing of traits from parents to offspring. Genetics- The scientific study of heredity. DNA- molecules of genetic material that holds information about an organism that is passed from parents to offspring.
Chromosomes- are structures in cells made of coiled DNA. Each chromosome contains many genes. Gene- The set of information that controls a trait; a part of DNA that codes for a specific trait. Traits- A characteristic that an organism can pass on to its offspring through genes.
Allele- The different forms of a gene. Alleles are paired in organisms; one allele from a father and one allele from a mother. Dominant Allele- An allele whose trait always shows up in the organism when the allele is present. Recessive Allele- An allele that is hidden when a dominant allele is present.
Codominance- A condition in which neither of two alleles of a gene is dominant or recessive. Both alleles will show in the organism.
Humans have 46 chromosomes or 23 chromosome pairs.
Dogs have 78 chromosomes
What is the relationship between genes and alleles? Genes are found in the chromosomes and alleles are versions of genes. For example: Chromosome #3 may contain the DNA code for your legs. The code is the gene. The gene for legs may have two different alleles for length. One allele may code for short legs while the other allele codes for long legs.
So… Genes are to alleles as skin is to skin color. – You have a gene for skin and alleles for your tone. ·Genes are to alleles as legs are to long. – You have a gene for legs and alleles for length. ·Genes are to alleles as face is to dimples. – ….
Dominant vs. Recessive Alleles
One allele from each sex cell (egg & sperm) together make an allele pair. Allele PairColor of Lab BBBlack BbBlack BbChocolate AlleleColor B (Dominant)Black b (Recessive)Chocolate
So what color would the puppies be?