Precise Neutrino Mass Difference Hagen Kleinert, FU BERLIN ICRANet Pescara World`s HIGHEST-FLUX Neutrino Source
Homestake Mine ,800 feet underground 100,000 gallon tank perchloroethylene Found only 1/3 of theoretically expected solar neutrinos John Bahcall and Raymond Davis Solar Neutrino Problem (Cl becomes Ar )
Kamiokande in Japan SAGE in Russia GALLEX in Italy Super Kamiokande in Japan SNO (Sudbury Neutrino Observatory) in Ontario, Canada detected neutrino oscillation 2002 Nobel Prize Davis Koshiba Cosmic Neutrinos photo- multiplyers
Pontecorvo Neutrino Oscillations km/GeV
GSI Experiment Paul Kienle et al.
Presented at 3 rd Stueckelberg Workshop on Presented at 3 rd Stueckelberg Workshop on Relativistic Field Theories July 2008 Relativistic Field Theories July 2008