Lab 2 – Topographic Maps & Land Navigation
Maps/Coordinate Systems ► Represent spatial relationship of things and shape of landscape ► Must have frame of reference (coordinate system) to describe positions that is easy to interpret ► All coordinate systems necessarily relative to something Better to have something permenant and unique
UTM ► UTM – Universal Transverse Mercator ► Based on grid of 60 zones (running N-S) ► Grid lines run N-S and E-W Easting = X coordinate = is the distance to the "False easting,” which is uniquely defined in each UTM zone (verticle lines) Northing = Y coordinate = the distance to the equator (horizontal lines) Any point respresented as: Zone, Easting, Northing
UTM Zones
Bearing ► Bearings : compass direction along a line between 2 points ► Based on 4 cardinal directions Full circle = 360 90° between N, S, E, W
Bearing ► True north (pole of rotation) v. magnetic north Declination ► 2 formats for bearing Azimuth (0 = north, 90 = east, 180 = south, 270 = west) Quadrant (bearings are in 1 of 4 quadrants: E of N, W of N, E of S, W of S) ► Bearings read as angle between 0-90 away from N or S, e.g., 30 degrees E of S (=150 in azimuth)
Topographic maps ► Not only interested in only the horizontal distance between points…also want to know the vertical relationship of points Hills, valleys, etc. ► Topo maps are a 2D way to respresent 3D surfaces ► Shown via contour lines => lines of equal elevation
Topographic maps ► See page 174 for rules of contour lines! ► Some examples... Closed contour lines indicate hilltops Closed contour lines with hatch marks indicate depressions Contour lines V upstream when crossing a valley Contour lines never cross!
Depression Tightly space contours – Steep incline Contours V upstream Hilltop