By the end of this unit, you will be able to… locate the fifty states and their capital cities, the nation’s capital, and U.S. territories and protectorates on a map interpret maps to identify geopolitical divisions and boundaries of places in North America locate major cultural and physical landmarks that are emblematic of the U.S. explain how major physical characteristics, natural resources, climate, and absolute and relative location have influenced settlement, economies, and intergovernmental relations in North America describe current major cultural regions of North America use maps to describe the location, abundance, and variety of natural resources in North America use geographic terms and tools to explain cultural diffusion throughout North America use maps and other geographic tools to examine the importance of demographics within political divisions of the United States use a choropleth or other map to geographically represent current information about issues of conservation or ecology in the local community
Copy the following states and capitals to your map: Juneau, ALASKA Phoenix, ARIZONA Sacramento, CALIFORNIA Denver, COLORADO Boise, IDAHO Helena, MONTANA Carson City, NEVADA Santa Fe, NEW MEXICO Salem, OREGON Salt Lake City, UTAH Olympia, WASHINGTON Cheyenne, WYOMING If you don’t know where to write them, ask someone nearby or check your agenda.
50 States Rap Part 1 Video
Where is Alaska? Where is Hawaii?
What are the three largest countries in North America?
What are the territories of the U.S.?
Johnston Atoll is half the size of Mount Dora.
EOC Preparation Question 1 What Enlightenment idea is represented by the headline? A. separation of powers B. checks and balances C. social contract D. natural law On your own paper, write down the three wrong answers and explain why they are wrong. We will discuss what you wrote before the class ends.
Copy the following states and capitals to your map: Phoenix, ARIZONA Sacramento, CALIFORNIA Denver, COLORADO Honolulu, HAWAII Boise, IDAHO Helena, MONTANA Carson City, NEVADA Santa Fe, NEW MEXICO Salem, OREGON Salt Lake City, UTAH Olympia, WASHINGTON Cheyenne, WYOMING
50 States Rap Part 2 Video
U.S Cultural Landmarks
U.S Physical Landmarks
Copy the above states and capitals to your map.
EOC Preparation Question 2 Which writing encourages the action demonstrated in the timeline? A. Common Sense B. U.S. Constitution C. Mayflower Compact D. Articles of Confederation On your own paper, write down the three wrong answers and explain why they are wrong. We will discuss what you wrote before the class ends. YearEvent 1918 Latvia declares independence 1940 Soviet Union takes over Latvia 1988 Latvian people push for independence 08/1991 Latvia declares independence 09/1991 U.S. president announces full diplomatic recognition of Latvia 09/1991Latvia joins the United Nations
Copy the following states and capitals to your map: Hartford, CONNETICUT Augusta, MAINE Boston, MASSACHUSETTS Concord, NEW HAMPSHIRE Trenton, NEW JERSEY Albany, NEW YORK Harrisburg, PENNSYLVANIA Providence, RHODE ISLAND Montpellier, VERMONT
Natural Resources
Cultural Diffusion (4.1) Cultural diffusion is about how culture spreads. American culture is a mixture of many different cultures.
Cultural Regions (2.4) Cultural regions are areas where people have similar ancestry, accents, and attitudes.
EOC Preparation Question 3 What was the significance of this stamp on a 1765 newspaper? A. It demonstrated that Parliament ignored the colonists’ media communications. B. It demonstrated that Parliament controlled the colonists’ press outlets. C. It represented the colonists’ opposition to English tax policies. D. It represented the colonists’ fulfillment of English tax policies. On your own paper, write down the three wrong answers and explain why they are wrong. We will discuss what you wrote before the class ends.
Copy the above states and capitals (including the national capital) to your map.
Nobody lives here. (2.3)
Where do people live? (4.2)
Where do African Americans live? (4.2)
Where do Hispanic Americans live? (4.2)
Where do Asian Americans live? (4.2)
Where do Native Americans live? (4.2)
Predicted Global Warming Impact (5.1)
EOC Preparation Question 4 Which government purpose identified in the Preamble is reflected in the headline? A. ensure domestic tranquility B. promote the general welfare C. secure the blessings of liberty D. provide for the common defense On your own paper, write down the three wrong answers and explain why they are wrong. We will discuss what you wrote before the class ends.