WMO Satellite Data Dissemination Strategy CGMS-43-WMO-WP-09 Jérôme Lafeuille, Stephan Bojinski and Mikael Rattenborg World Meteorological Organization (WMO) May 2015 UCAR, Boulder, Colorado WMO; OBS/SAT
WMO Satellite Data Dissemination Strategy Major objective for WMO and CGMS in the coming decade : Ensuring operational access to and use of satellite data and products for a growing number of WMO Members To achieve this, we are faced with major challenges and opportunities: exponential growth of data rates generated by new satellites requirement for improved latency, for example for NWP digital divide between most and least advanced users need for integration of satellite data and products into WIS ensuring interoperability and standardization of evolving systems taking advantage of technology opportunities (e.g. Cloud technology) threat to radio frequency allocations for meteorological satellites CGMS-43 UCAR, Boulder, Colorado 2
WMO Satellite Data Dissemination Strategy - Outline of a strategic framework for satellite data dissemination presented to CGMS-42 - Proposing strategic targets and high-level actions - Aimed at strengthening access to satellite data and products required by operational users - Accounting for future challenges and opportunities. - Based on outline, a medium- term Satellite Data Dissemination Strategy has been formulated by WMO (Space Programme in collaboration with WIS), - For each of the strategic targets, the status is presented, and actions and progress indicators proposed. CGMS-43 UCAR, Boulder, Colorado 3
WMO Satellite Data Dissemination Strategy Main objective: to strengthen the access by WMO members to Satellite Data and Products Covers the whole activity chain: from provision of information to users about satellite data availability, to definition of specific user data requirements, to data access by users. Provides a high-level view of Satellite Data Dissemination and sets specific strategic targets Based on strengthening and focusing existing activities, and not creating new The strategy strives to implement the “Vision of Satellite Data and Products exchanged within the WMO Information System (WIS)”, formulated by WMO Space Programme CGMS-43 UCAR, Boulder, Colorado 4
Vision of Satellite Data and Products exchanged within the WMO Information System (WIS) CGMS-43 UCAR, Boulder, Colorado 5 Strategic Areas most relevant to CGMS operators
11 targets of WMO Satellite Data Dissemination Strategy Guidance Information, Guidance to and Communication with Satellite Data Users Requirements Maintaining Regional and Thematic Data Requirements Enhancing Data Availability Global Coverage of LEO DB Acquisition, Processing and Distribution Systems Bilateral Exch of Data and Products Routine Availability of Data and Products from R&D Satellites Description & Registration Making Satellite Data and Products Discoverable in the WIS Standardized Data Formats Dissemination & User Access Standardized Direct Broadcast Global Access to Data and Products on the Core WIS Network Full Integration and Operation of DVB Broadcast Services On-Demand Access to Satellite Data and Products Users CGMS-43 UCAR, Boulder, Colorado 6
Strategy areas with CGMS in a leading role CGMS-43 UCAR, Boulder, Colorado AreaStrategic TargetCGMS RoleActions on CGMS Enhancing data availability (3) Global Coverage of LEO Direct Broadcast Acquisition, Processing and Distribution Systems Lead (WG I in collaboration with DBNet Coordination group) -Identifiy areas for operator standardization in support to DBNet -Provide expert support to DBNet initiative -Provision of Direct Broadcast software for future LEOs (4) Bilateral Exchange of Data and Products Lead (bilateral arrangements between CGMS members) -Encourage bilateral agreements between CGMS members for exchange of additional data (in particular of data from the new generation of GEO satellites) (5) Routine Availability of Required Data and Products from R&D Satellites Lead (agreements with R&D operators) -Dissemination operators to establish arrangements with R&D agencies ensuring availability to WMO members. 7
Strategy areas with CGMS in a leading role CGMS-43 UCAR, Boulder, Colorado AreaStrategic TargetCGMS RoleActions on CGMS Description and registration (6) Making Satellite Data and Products Discoverable on the WIS Lead (through CGMS- WMO Task Force on Discovery Metadata) -CGMS members to continue and strengthen support to TF -All satellite operators to act as DCPCs -Registration of R&D satellite data in WIS through DCPCs (7) Standardized Data Formats Lead (through WMO/CGMS Task Force on Satellite Data Codes) -Efficient formats for high-resolution sounders and imagers -Adoption of community formats (e.g. NetCDF) as WMO standards 8
Strategy areas with CGMS in a leading role CGMS-43 UCAR, Boulder, Colorado AreaStrategic TargetCGMS RoleActions on CGMS Dissemination and User Access (8) Standardized Direct Broadcast Lead-Monitor the implementation of the CGMS DB standards -Encourage efforts for low-cost DB receiving stations. (9) Global Access to Data and Products via the WIS Core Network Support to WMO WIS-Initiate dialogue with WIS centres on visibility and monitoring of satellite data in WIS global cache (10) Full Integration and Operation of DVB Broadcast Services Lead (in collaboration with GEONETCast Implementation group) -Continue coordination of DVB-based services -Ensure the integration of DVB-based services into WIS. -Ensure that new systems like JMA’s HimawariCast will meet WIS requirements. (11) On-demand Access to Satellite Data and Products Support-Use WIS capabilities to provide WMO users with on-demand access to selected satellite data and products 9
WMO Satellite Data Dissemination Strategy WMO will monitor the implementation of the different elements of the strategy through appropriate indicators, and report progress to CGMS-44 CGMS is invited to Comment on the medium-term strategy for satellite data dissemination, as laid out in WMO-WP-09 Support the implementation of the strategy in contributing to the identified strategic targets, actions and indicators, as appropriate, and in taking the proposed strategic targets into account in their own dissemination plans CGMS-43 UCAR, Boulder, Colorado 10
Thank you for your attention CGMS-43 UCAR, Boulder, Colorado 11